Chapter Twenty-Two - The Begging Of The Tour

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Kathryn's P.O.V ( A Couple Months Later)

We were at the air port getting ready to head to the U.K. Danielle and Eleanor had already headed back to the U.K last week. We were going to be there in the U.K. for the whole month of February. I would get to spend my birthday there and I wasn't telling the boys about it. Knowing them they would just do something crazy for me and I don't want to do anything crazy for my birthday. I like to keep things simple........ yet I am going on tour with them - crazy huh?. I hadn't really talked to the boys since the night I broke and gave in to isolation. Every now and then I would force myself to say a few words so they wouldn't worry as much, but I never had a real conversation with any of them. They already got on my nerves just asking me a question.

They started to let people on the plane. I stood up and hugged my sister. We said our good byes and I followed Harry onto the plane. We found our seats and sat down. I was sitting with Harry. I took the seat next to the window and Harry sat next to the aisle. We were in first class. I had been on planes before, but never first class. I looked out the window and watched as we took off. Once we were in the air the pilot said we were free to walk around the plane. I pulled out my iPod and head phones. I sat there listening to my music. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.


 "I really wish you weren't leaving." I was sitting on a couch with Ty at his house.

"I have to. What else am I suppose to do?" I asked looking into his blue eyes.

"I don't know..... I goanna miss you." He said pulling me closer.

"I'm going to miss you too." I said as I rested my head o his chest.

"Promise me one thing."


"Never forget me?" He asked.

"I wont.... I couldn't even imagine it." I said looking up at him.

He leaned down and kissed my forehead. I sighed and we sat in silence. My phone buzzed and I looked at it. I had to leave. I stood up and Ty and I walked to his front door. We shared a long hug before I left.

I woke up. It was just a dream. But not just any dream. It was a memory. When I said good bye to Ty back at the begging of the new year. Just before I left to go on tour with the boys. I missed him...... A lot. He was my closest friend. I didn't want to leave him but I had to. I looked to Harry. He was sleeping. I looked out the window. It was dark outside. I looked at my clock on my phone. It was midnight, where ever we were. I hated this time change. We were suppose to land in London at 5:30 a.m, their time. That's 9:30 p.m in Echo. I really hate time change. I looked back to Harry. He looked so happy and peaceful. I glanced past Harry where Niall, Liam and Louis were sitting in the middle row. They were all asleep. They had been exhausted from all the concerts and interviews. I had been in one interview, but I was really nervous and wanted nothing but to be isolated from the outside world.


"Ladies and gentlemen, introducing One Direction." The interviewer announced.

All the boys took a seat on a big couch. Harry looked at me and winked. I was in the front row of the audience.

"So, who is single and who is taken?" The lady asked. I had noticed that every interview always started this way.

"Well, obviously I am taken." Zayn said showing off the wedding ring on his hand. The crowd cheered.

"Louis and I are still in relationships with our girlfriends." Liam announced. More cheering.

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