Chapter Twelve - Broken Promises

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Kathryn's P.O.V

I woke up this morning at 6:30 and found Harry still sleeping.... And quietly snoring! Today was Saturday and it was the sixth day I have spent away from home. I looked at my iPod to find twelve notifications on Facebook all with me tagged in them. As I scrolled through all twelve of them I noticed they all had something in common...... They all had to do with me and One Direction. The one that really got my attention was the one of Harry carrying me into the hotel. It had been posted by my friend Raychel.

I turned off my iPod and placed it on the charger then went to the bathroom. I hopped in the shower. I relaxed as I felt the hot water run over my body. I remembered Harry was still sleeping so I only hummed instead of full out singing.

After about thirty minutes I turned the water off. I wrapped my hair in a towel and dried my body off with another then wrapping it around me. I looked around and noticed I forgot my clothes in my suit case, which was next to the couch. I quietly opened the door and listened for Harry's quiet snoring. As soon as I heard his snoring, I sighed in relief and quietly opened the door. I walked out quietly and quickly making sure not to wake him up. I grabbed my suit case and ran back to the bathroom.

I quickly changed pulling on a pair of jeans a black volleyball t-shirt with my last name on the back. I opened the door and stepped out looking towards the bed. Harry was still sleeping. I pulled my bag out of the bathroom and back over to the couch. I pulled out a pair of socks and put them on along with my cowgirl boots. I walked back into the bathroom and brushed out my hair, pulling it back into a ponytail and adding a sparkly headband a silver "K" necklace and a silver bracelet.

I walked back out and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I left Harry a note saying I would be at the hospital. I placed it on his suit case and walked out the door. I went down and grabbed a bagel with cream cheese and peanut butter from the provided breakfast the hotel serves. I walked out the door with my bagel about 8:00. I was suddenly bombed by paparazzi and fans. Cameras flashed and questions were yelled at me.

"Young lady what is your name?"

"Who are you?"

"How do you know One Direction?"

There were more like it and I soon couldn't get through the crowd. I backed up and ran into a tall muscular body. I jerked around to find Niall standing behind me.

"Need some help getting through the crowd?" He asked with a smile.

"Kinda" I dropped my head in embarrassment.

"Don't be embarrassed. We all struggled getting through these crowds the first couple of times. We sometimes still struggle with it today." I raised my head and smiled at him. He held out his hand and I took it. He led me through the crowd before I let go of his hand.

"So where are you heading to? Wait let me guess, you are heading to go see your mom"

"Yeah, I thought I would spend the day with her"

"Do you want me to walk you there or are you okay?"

"I can walk alone, thanks though!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah thanks any ways"

"Yeah, no problem, so where is Harry?"

"He was still sleeping. Why do you need him?"

"Yeah, but I will call him in a little and wake him up." He said with a sigh "Okay, well see you later"

"Bye" I turned and walked away from him.

I finally reached the hospital. I went straight to my mom's room and sat next to her bed. I watched the heart monitor as it beeped and the line rose and fell quickly. I prayed it would never go flat.

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