Chapter Nine - One Direction Haters

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Harry's P.O.V

I turned back to the others.

"What does she mean by start something?" questioned Niall.

"I think she means she doesn't want them to mob us" Zayn answered.

"I don't know, but I also don't care. I am going down in five minutes." I commented.

"You realize she is probably going to be mad if you do?" Added Eleanor.

"Yeah, but she doesn't scare me."

"So lad, what have you and Kathryn been talking about in the garden. You seem to get closer whenever you come back and she is way to young for you two to be dating." Liam spoke.

"Well the first time we were silent for a while and I started to hum and sing quietly. Then she just said I was a good singer and I just told her the same thing. She asked how I knew she was a singer and I showed her where I was when she was in the garden yesterday."

"Then what?" questioned Niall who now had food in his hand. I smiled and chuckled quietly to myself before starting to talk again.

"She blanked out like she was lost in thought. She started to fall to her knees really hard, so I caught her and slowly lowered her to the ground. She started to cry so I held her for comfort." I told them the story with every detail from every day. That didnt take long because it was pretty much the same thing every day. We would talk about her parents and would just let it all out. She cried she laughed she got mad and i would just listen to her. One day all we did was sing together. She has such a unique voice that she hates, but I love. I think I only love it, because it is different.

"Wow, so you two are like brother sister now.... sorta..... kinda..... a little." replied Niall who was still eating.

"Yeah, I mean she certainly feels like another little sister to me, but I don't know what she thinks of me as." I looked at my watch. It had been eighteen minutes. "I am going to head down there now."

"Okay, see you later Hazza" replied Louis.

"See you later!" I turned and walked out the door.

Kathryn's P.O.V
(while Harry is still in the Louis's hospital room)

As soon as I walked out of the elevator I saw my friends. There was Taylor, Monique, Sydney, Ty, Ian, Damian and Zack. These are my closest friends at school.... besides Mady. Mady and I are closer than I am with any one else in my school.

"Aaahhhhhhh!!!!!" I screamed and ran over to my friends. I was greeted by a huge group hug from all my friends.

"We have ice cream!"" Sydney said as Taylor handed me a bowl.

"Where is the ice cream?" I asked as I looked at an empty bowl.

"Sorry the boys got a little hungry on the way here and so they all kind of ate a little." Taylor said with a sorry look on her face.

"Thanks!" I said sarcastically to the boys.

"Your welcome." said Ty

"Thank you, come again" commented Damien. He said it just like he was a worker at a fast-food restraunt. He sounds hilarious when he says it.

I looked at the boys with a fake sad face. Ty and Damian just looked at each other and started to come up closer to me.

"Come here" Said Ty as him and Damian pulled me into a hug.

"We sorry Kathryn" Damian commented as if he was a little kid. Him and Ty always know how to make me laugh.

"It is okay, I just really wanted ice cream" They let me go and I looked to the others. I noticed a certain hand holding a certain hand.

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