Chapter Ten - Gone

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Harry's P.O.V

I walked back to Louis' room with a huge grin on my face.

"What are you so happy about?" Question Zayn.

"I just saw a guy with his arms around a girl. He was giving her a hug from behind so I stopped and watched for a little, untell they were inturrupted by a guy their age."

"So why are you so happy about that?" Asked Perrie

"Danille, You remember when you asked Kathryn if she had a boyfriend?"

"Yeah" She replied confused.

"Well I think she lied to us" Everyone's face lit up.

"Are you serious?" Asked Louis.

"Dead serious!"

"No way!" Added in Liam.

"Just look at the picture" That's right! I took a picture.

"Wait... You stalked Kathryn?" Asked Eleanor.

"Yeah, but only for like 5-10 minutes." I replied

"You were still stalking her!"


"So! You invaded her privacy " She was getting rather harsh with her comments and so was I.

"SO! Why do you care?"

"I don't know. All that I know is that if I were her, I would be VERY upset that you invaded my privacy."

"Babe?" Louis started in on the argument.

"What?" She stilled had a harsh tone to her voice and she seemed annoyed at Louis for some reason.

"Are you by any chance on your...... monthly?" He asked awkwardly

"That is none of your business" She said even harsher.

"Calm down baby. It is okay." Louis said now sounding a little scared

"So.... I am guessing that is a yes?" I said awkwardly.

"Harry..... That is none of your business!" Louis yelled at me.

"Okay, well no one tell Kathryn what I did."

"Whatever" Zayn commented.

Kathryn's P.O.V (Just after she walked outside)

"Hey" I said shyly

"Hey, so why were you talking to Harry Styles from One Gay Direction?" Asked Monique

I looked back behind me and saw Ty. I looked at him desperate for help to avoid this conversation, but he didn't know what to do. He just shrugged his shoulders at me.

"I met them the first day I was here" I answered without looking at anyone. I just looked at my shoes, scared to see their faces.

"Well...... What did he want?" Asked Taylor who did not sound to happy about me interacting with a member of One Direction.

"Uhh.......... He just asked....... Umm........ How my mom was?" I was obviously lying.

"Oh..... okay" commented Taylor, sounding confused. She actually believed it though. "I have a feeling you are lying, but you are a Christian so you don't really lie." She added

Wow! I knew Taylor was blond, but not that blond! Her and everyone else seriously bought that and I was obviously lying. I looked over to Ty who was now standing beside me. The others turned away from us and walked over to a set of benches. Ty looked back at me. He just shrugged and smiled, laughing a little to himself. We walked over to the benches and sat down next to each other. The benches were in a circle. I was in the middle of Ty and Taylor. On my right, next to Taylor, was Monique then Ian then Damien. Next or on the left side of me and Ty were Zack and Sydney (Zack had his arm around Sydney and she was cuddled up next to him).

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