Chapter Five - The Girl

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Harry's P.O.V

As soon as she left, I ran to Louis hospital room to find the lads. When I got there I found that Louis was already out of surgery and wide awake. I was trying to catch my breath.

"Calm down, Hazza" Louis said

"I ... met ..... the ........ girl!" I replied still trying to catch my breath.

"What girl?" Niall asked

"Well I didn't really meet her, but I know more about her!" I said now with my breath back to normal.

"What girl?" Zayn now questioned.

"And she is so nice and..." I started to say when I was interrupted

"WHAT GIRL?" They all yelled

"Oh, yeah, sorry! Kathryn Rose."They looked confused about who she was "The girl from the elevator!" They still looked a little confused.

"The girl that was suppose to loose her dad today. The girl we all felt really bad for yesterday." I replied

"now I know who you are talking about!" Niall said

"I knew who you were talking about all along." Zayn bragged

"sure you did" I replied

"So you talked to her!" Liam exclaimed

"No, but I do know more about her."

"How?" Louis questioned me

I told them the story. I told them every detail. About how she was a Christian and how she mentioned she had an older sister that was a little younger than we are.

Kathryn's P.O.V

So I put my phone away and went to the front to meet my aunt. We got in the car and drove to the mall.

"This maybe bad timing to take you shopping, but I thought we both needed to get out of the hospital." my aunt spoke braking the silence.

"Okay" I said with a grin. I like to go shopping, and it isn't the best way for me to get my mind off of everything, but it might help a little.

When we got to the mall we met up with my cousin and sister. This had been a total surprise and I was so happy to see them. I gave them both a huge hug.

"I am so happy you are both here!" I exclaimed

"Here, I went home first and grabbed your money before I came up here." my sister commented as she handed me my wallet.

"Thanks" I said "Now let's go!"

We shopped tell 6:00. I got three new outfits and four new dresses. We went back to the hospital so my cousin and sister could see my mom for the first time.

When we walked in the room, my sister went directly to my mom. She dropped to her knees and she started crying. I tried to be brave, but when I see people cry it makes me want to cry. It didn't help that my aunt and cousin were crying. It made it even worse that it was my sister I was watching cry, and she was crying over my mother. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I gave in and started to cry. I fell to my knees next to my sister and hugged her. I held on tight not wanting to ever let her go. I was afraid that if I let go I would loose her too. Less than a minute later I felt my sister wrap her arms around me and bury her face in my shoulder. I was already doing the same to her. We stayed there for a long time before we let go and headed to a hotel just a block from the hospital.

Harry's P.O.V

So the other lads went to the hotel down the block to get a room so we could be closer to Louis. I decided to stay the night at the hospital with him. The lads texted us and said they got a room and would see us in the morning. It was now just me and Lou for the night. I sat on the bed next to Louis and we watched some TV. After about fifteen minutes Louis started asking me questions about what happened in the garden.

"So you really met the girl?" he asked me

"No, I didn't actually meet her, but I did get to know her better." I replied

"How did you get to know her better if you, didn't meet her and talk to her?" he asked sounding very confused.

"Well..... I went to go get some lunch after you went into surgery and I was spotted by some fans so after signing some stuff and a taking a few photos I left. I felt like I was being followed, so I turned around and sure enough I was being followed by some girls. I went to hide in the garden. I found a spot behind a bush and I ate my lunch in peace." I told him the whole story. I told him about how and what she sang and how she talked about us and sort of meeting us in a way and that she couldn't believe that had happened. I seriously told him EVERYTHING that happened in the garden.

About five minutes after Louis and I fell asleep we both woke up to my phone buzzing. It was a text from Zayn.

From Zayn:

We just saw the girl and Liam, Niall and I all said hi to her as we past her in the hallway.

To Zayn:

What did she say and what did she do?

From Zayn:

She just smiled and replied hi back to us. We asked her about her parents, but she just looked at the girl she was with. She said she didn't want to talk about it. I introduced myself and the lads to her friend and her friend turned out to be her sister. strange thing is that her sister has red hair and the girl has brown hair.

To Zayn:

Are you on the same floor as them?

From Zayn:

Yes they are and they will be at the hospital about 8:00 tomorrow. We asked if they wanted to hang out with us for a little tomorrow, but because of the situation they are in, they weren't sure if they would feel up to it tomorrow. So we may or may not be spending lunch or dinner with them tomorrow.

To Zayn:

Okay! I am tired so I am going to go to bed, night

From Zayn:


I put my phone on the table next to me and we went to bed.

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