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Sehun adjusted his own mask and pulled his cap lower as he strolled through the busy street of Beijing. His heart was racing at the thought of meeting a certain face that he had longed to see.


He couldn't hide his excited smile as he searched his phone for the Starbucks nearby. Sehun had secretly contacted Luhan's manager to ask about Luhan's whereabouts and he had told him about Luhan's plan for Starbucks every evening.

Sehun was going to give Luhan a surprise. Since Luhan left , both of them haven't been able to see each other due to their busy schedules. Sehun missed Luhan to death.

In the past, Sehun couldn't even stand a day without Luhan. Now, he had to suffer a few years without Luhan.
It hurt.
So freaking bad.

At times he wasn't sure if he should give up, he watched Luhan's running man videos and opened back their old conversations. And the last word Luhan told him was not to give up kept him going all along.

Sehun couldn't help but sighed.
Would Luhan be happy to see him later?
Would they still be the same?
Would Luhan even missed him?

Sehun's heart pained a little at the thought that Luhan could maybe not miss him. But he shook the thought away.

Don't be silly Sehun.
Luhan knew how much he meant to me.
And I hoped I still meant so much to him too.

Sehun took his last deep breath before pushing the Starbucks door opened.
A deep aroma of coffee filled the room as he searched for Luhan.

And that was when Sehun felt his heart break.
It just shattered into pieces and Sehun could even hear the pieces as they clattered to the ground.

His breathing quickened as he tried to keep his disappointment and tears in.

There sat the handsome Luhan, with his jersey and jeans, a cap quite similar to Sehun's on his head. He was holding a latte in his hands and his eyes were twinkling as he laughed.

And he was laughing at something the person sitting beside him said.
It was Lay.

Honestly Sehun wouldn't be surprised to see Lay in China. And not even surprised if Lay met up with Luhan and if they were long lost brothers.

But the sight of Luhan laughing with the face that was once only directed to Sehun pained Sehun himself. The sight of their intertwined hands under the table just made him wanted to vomit and pass out right here.

It's okay Sehun. They were just friends.
You and Luhan used to hold hands too.

And then Sehun's heart stopped beating when Luhan leaned in to place a small peck on Lay's face.

That was enough for Sehun to conjure up all his strength to turn around and pushed the door opened before running out. In the corner of his eye, he saw Luhan looking at him with wide eyes.

Don't worry he won't recognise you in your silly outfit.
Sehun thought as he walked quickly, bumping into people in process.

His tears slipped and he hastily wiped them off with the back of his hand.
As pathetic as he was.
Still loving Luhan from the deep of his heart.

They were so close before Luhan left. The words left were only a confession and they would be together.
But nobody spoke a word.

Sehun was so disappointed. Hell, he didn't even know what he was feeling now. It was like Luhan and him just walked past each other.
With a brush of a shoulder.
And gone.

Sehun didn't know how long he half walked half ran, but he certainly did not know this place.
He slowly slowed down his pace but he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Dread sipped through him as he turned around to meet the person he wanted to meet but at the same time hated to meet.

Luhan started.

"Don't speak a word."
Sehun cut in as he turned away. He couldn't let him see him cry. Not now.

"Se I didn't know you were coming."
Luhan tried again but that only broke Sehun's heart even more.

"Don't call me that."
Sehun spatted.

And he could see a flash of hurt in Luhan's eyes before he opened his mouth but closed them again, not knowing what to say next.

"You with him now?"
Sehun whispered. It was a selfish question and somehow he wished Luhan didn't hear it.

But unfortunately he did. Because he hesitated awhile before saying.

Sehun somehow felt like giving himself a most tolerance on trying not to cry prize for himself as he gulped.
"That's great. So fucking great."
He muttered.

"You never contact me. I thought you were finally forgetting about me and I couldn't bring myself to text you. Scared of the fact that you wouldn't answer. So I moved on."
Luhan whispered.

Sehun swallowed his saliva which felt like bile for a second.
"I thought you forgot about me! "

"Guess the only problem is that both of us were waiting for the other to make a move after all."
Luhan said.

Sehun remained silence as he dreaded the truth coming out of Luhan's mouth.
"But it's too late, Sehun. "

"We're too late?"
Sehun spoke as if it were poison on his lips.

Luhan nodded. And Sehun felt his stomach flipped some more.

"Sure that's totally okay.
Sehun spoke but his voice kinda cracked at the end of the sentence.

"Im sorry Sehun.."

"Im sorry as well. So it kinda equals it out."
Sehun faked a smile.

Luhan opened his mouth as if to say something to Sehun but he pursed his lips and say something else instead.
"Can you keep it a secret?"

Sehun raised an eyebrow.
"What? Between Exo members?"


"You know this'll just make me can't look at Lay one more second. Nope even more than that. I can't look at him the same anymore."
Sehun whispered the last sentence.

"Please Sehun."
Luhan pleaded.

"Im not saying yes but Im not saying no either."
Sehun muttered.

Luhan merely blinked at him before looking at his watch.
"Look I really want to catch up with you but-"

"Lay's waiting."

Luhan said after a gulp.

"Go ahead."
Sehun said coldly.

"Alright. I'll see you next time. Hey call me first I promised I'll make time for you. Whenever you want. Just... Call me."
Luhan said before smiling at Sehun and jogging back to the busy street.

Sehun was fighting innerly as he watched Luhan walked further and further. Finally he made up his mind.

"Luhan! I love you, please come back! Please..."
Tears splashed as he shouted until his throat hurt.

But this time Luhan did not hear him.

A/N: sorry everyone you may scold me for writing sad heartbreaking things cause Im a dramatic shit.

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