Fate. Anywhere

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Testing Room.

"It's alright. We have observed your powers and we think it's time for you to take control." Dr. Jeff said to Luhan.

"Full...control?" Luhan breathed out, unbelievable for what he had just heard.

"Not now but will soon. Don't worry. Our equipment room is well built." The Dr patted Luhan's shoulder as an encouragement and gestured him to walk into the room.

Luhan hesitated, but when he looked back, Sehun was standing there giving him a 'go-on, I'll be right here." smile.

A long sigh escaped Luhan's lips and he stepped forward. With a loud thud, the door slammed shut behind Luhan, putting a barrier between him and the Drs.

A machine stood in the center of the white room and Luhan walked towards it with heavy footsteps.

He gently placed his bracelets through the machine as he felt his heart thumping anxiously through his chest.

With a 'click' , the bracelets were off. A gush of pleasure ran over and he felt lighter as if he could fly.

Things in the room started to float in a rushing way as everything hit the ceiling roughly. Luhan felt his power extending like a monster finally released from it's cage. Waves and waves of force hit the glass of the room.

The glass was well protected and Dr Jeff's voice sounded in the earpiece on his right ear.

"Control." He said with trembling voice.

Guess they weren't handling well as supposed to.

Luhan tried to shut off, maybe decreased the power. He tried hard to fight off. But the power was releasing all over and he felt dizzy even.

Luhan knew he couldn't handle it . Maybe not yet. When he saw black dots dancing in front of his eyes. His eyes teared up and he looked desperately to the glass window above where everyone was watching him.

He saw Sehun with worried eyes, mouthing words he couldn't form out.

Luhan let out a chuckle. He probably looked so pathetic right now. For doing so bad in just a simple test.

His body could stand no more and he whispered a weak "help me." as he collasped to the floor.

Everything seemed to weakened down by then and he could make out someone dashing through the door to his rescue.

Someone with jet black hair.


Luhan woke up and found someone. The one who dashed in. Tending to his scratches and stuff. Probably a nurse, he thought.

The boy glanced at him and sat down by the chair next to him.

"What happened?" Luhan croaked.

"You lost control. That's all." The boy said.

He had made it sound so easy . So normal to have lost control.

"I looked pathetic didn't I." Luhan whispered to no one in particular. He didn't even know why he said that to the boy.

Apparently he took it as a statement and answered.

"No. It isn't . It never is."

This, just rang a bell in Luhan's head. Some odd images appeared in his head. Some he didn't even recognise. Weird memories.

And suddenly he saw something familiar in the boy in front of him.

"Do I know you?" Luhan said.

The boy was clearly startled and he kept glancing in all ways before he answered.

"No. I think you have mistaken."

"I had a headache. And some weird images came through and I thought you looked familiar." Luhan pointed out.

The boy was horrified but calmed down.

"Must be some side effects from just now. Will be alright later."

"Oh... What's your name?"

"Erm.....Lay.. If you're wondering, Im just your nurse and ermm your boyfriend? He is called for some treatment so he wasn't here."

Lay said.

"Erm he isn't my boyfriend.." Luhan corrected him awkwardly.

"Oh..haha...I thought you two looked close and...sweet.."

There was some bitterness when Lay said the last word. Luhan wondered why but didn't say anything.

"I gotta go ..call me if you need anything." Lay said and scurried away.

Another headache hit Luhan and he knew he should find out about it.

And about Lay.. the familiar..but not so familiar feeling around him made Luhan craved for more answers.

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