First Snow baekyeol

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First Snow:

Chanyeol took a small stroll around the park. It was winter. And he thought of Baekhyun. Baekhyun broke up with him last year. But he still had him in his heart. Chanyeol regretted it for a very long time.

It was winter. That day they broke up.
And it was also winter, that day Chanyeol confessed and they became one. He thought of Baekkie. He always liked the snow, always so excited to run around the snow floor.

Chanyeol looked down and he felt a tear slipped from his eyes. It was all his fault that they broke up.

He then felt a freeze on his left cheek. He looked up and snow flakes met his face.
The first snow. He thought.

Chanyeol took out his phone and searched for a contact he never dared to call since last year. He pressed the call button and waited.



"Hung up"

Chanyeol's tears fell again, this time in a larger amount. He still havent gathered up the strength to talk to Baekhyun. How useless was he? He slammed his phone shut, hard and thew it on the floor. Frustated.

How he wished. That he could just say Hello to Baekhyun and asked him how he was doing. How.He.Wished.

*very short.. I know. Just for fun :P

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