Hunhan power 2

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"First...Im sorry, but we need to test you out. Make sure of your powers. Here, trying throwing it." Sehun said placing a heavy metal ball in front of Luhan.

Luhan let the float and weighed it. It was so heavy. He couldnt even lift it properly. He was so weak. He threw it, but it only landed a few cms.

Sehun shook his head and said.
"Im really sorry. But you need to succeed to get on to the next test."

Luhan cursed in frustration and tried it again. No success. This had been going on for days. And finally today, Luhan went crazy. He was lost. And the only victim there was Sehun. He attacked him, roughly, without even knowing what he was doing. Sehun was caught off guard and was hit on the head with some table. Unconsious.

The men came in and strapped luhan in chains again. Carried off Sehun and locked Luhan back to his prison.

Luhan was drugged and he went to sleep. After he woke up, headache attacked him. Memories started to flood back into his mind.

Ohmybloodyhell..did I just attack Sehun? Luhan thought.

He felt such guilt for doing that. He wanted to see Sehun, to make sure he was fine, to tend him like what Sehun didnt to him. He bang and bang on the door.

It opened and a man stood there.
"I want to see Sehun."
Luhan declared.

"No. You've done enough damage. Don't you think?" The man's words stabbed Luhan's heart hard and it's very painful to hear.

"I want to see him."
Luhan repeated.


Before the man could finish, the scientist from before appeared and said.

"Let him. If he promise to behave."

"I promise."

"Then take him."
Luhan was then escorted to a room. Where Sehun laid on a bed, face pale, but eyes widly staring at Luhan. Tears filled Sehun's eyes as he spoke.

"You came...I thought you wouldn't"

"Im sorry." Luhan said. He sat there and suddenly had an urge to hold Sehun's hand even if they didnt met for long.

"Thank you..for seeing me."

"Let me take care of you. Like the way you did to me."Luhan held Sehun's hands, which was quite shocking to Sehun. But he smiled at the warm this once wild guy was giving him.

Luhan sat and tend to Sehun until he was strong enough. It was long enough for them to realize that everytime they touch each other, sparks burn their fingers. Everytime the other woke up, their hearts skipped a beat.

"Thanks. Really. Why did you do that anyway?"

"I really want to do that. And I felt guilty for attacking you."

"I...Luhan..I really like you , you know? You had a warm heart."

"I .. I liked you too. Im not used to this. But you stole my heart with your kindness."

Sehun leaned in and kissed Luhan gently on the lips. Fireworks erupted in their brains and they pulled away, gasping.

"That was amazing. Sehun."Luhan said, foreheads still touching.

"Yeah. "

Sehun's eyes curved into a crescent moon and Luhan found it so attracting.

"Like the way you smile."

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