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Sehun had stormed in in a huffing way , startling Luhan who was just day dreaming outside the window. Things seemed to look okay now since Luhan had been in hospital for the second day. The tightness of his bracelet still frightened him about the thought of taking it off.

"Hey what's wrong." Luhan gently poked Sehun.

"There was a creepy guy staring at you the whole time outside the door. With loving eyes. Im going to puke." Sehun rolled his eyes.

"Who was it?"

"Doesn't matter anyway. I stormed him off for stalking." Sehun pursed his lips.

"You look angry."



"I....I don't know." Sehun looked away, avoiding Luhan's eyes.

"Come on.." Luhan pleaded.

"Okay...maybe....I was just....jealous." Sehun muttered.

Luhan wasn't sure why, but he definetely felt his heart skipped a beat.

"I had been wondering...if our relationship could be more than friends. Cause you can always make my heart stop beating." Sehun said out .

Luhan froze in shock. He had never thought about it. But come to think of it, he really liked Sehun. But his face turned red as he thought about how Sehun could just chant it aloud without any hesitation.

"I.....sure." Luhan whispered.

"Sure what?" Sehun's eyes widen in unbelievement.

"Sure we can be more than friends." Luhan confirmed.

"I meant it. I liked you and Im new to this." Sehun looked down.

"Me too." Luhan said. His hands trailed down and landed on Sehun's warm ones.

"Maybe we can try. Bit by bit."

Sehun gave a light smile and returned Luhan's squeeze of hand.

At this moment, Lay entered for a change of water dropping. His eyes widen as he saw Sehun was there.

Sehun jumped up too and pointed at him, facing Luhan.
"That was him! That stalker!"

"Stalker?! Am not!" Lay exclaimed.

"Shush Sehun he's just my nurse." Luhan spoke.

"You didn't tell me your nurse is so attractive! What if he touch you!" Sehun shouted.

"Why thank you but no thank you." Lay rolled his eyes.

"Sorry Lay but Sehun here was being rude. Forgive us..." Luhan gave a awkward smile and gestured Sehun to go with pleading eyes.

"No! I..." Sehun was yet to finish when the doctor came and took him away for another treatment without giving him a chance to utter his next words.

Lay glanced at the door and proceeded to change Luhan's water dropping without another word. He worked in silence and Luhan thought he looked very good with his serious face.

Luhan doesn't understand why he felt so familiar and yet so far from him. His headache came back and a shock went through his spine as Lay accidentely brushed his finger over his hand.


Both of them said together, froze then laughed in relief.

"Guess I gotta go." Lay smiled and turned away.

"Wait. i have questions." Luhan took hold of his wrists. He felt Lay tensed but relaxed afterwards.


"I knew I lost some memories. Why? And what are they?" Luhan stared into Lay's brown eyes and he saw himself in it.

"Im sorry. I probably could not answer them. I'll call for the higher doctor for you." Without a chance to speak from Luhan, he turned out to the door, leaving Luhan utterly speechless as possible.

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