Falling In Love with Him?!

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Sehun was nervous. Sweat kept wetting his palms and he carelessly wiped them on his jeans while he looked for the restaurant he was finding.

"Angel Reataurant"

That's where he was going to meet his date. Blind date, to be precise.

Sehun was eager to have a girlfriend and his sister had helped by signing him up for this blind date. He was angry for his sister's decision for him, but he couldn't say he wasn't curious for this date anyway.

"Hah, found it." Sehun murmured while his gaze wandered around for the place they booked.

Number 28.

A girl with sweet hazelnut curl hair was sitting in the seat, reading a magazine casually. She wore a blouse and a sweet pink skirt. Sehun couldn't see her face, but despite her outfits, she already looked gorgeous.

"Erm, hi?" Sehun said, standing near her.

The girl looked up and smiled. She had a pair of beautiful eyes and a strawberry smile. She looked....gorgeous.

"Hi. You must be Sehun. " The girl said , gesturing Sehun to take a seat.

"Yes. You must be Luna." Sehun said. He couldn't say she doesnt look hot. Sehun was actually starting to take a liking towards the girl.

"Yeah. I am" The girl put her magazine away and faced Sehun properly.

They ordered some drinks and talked about themselves. An hour was gone after a long talk.

It appeared that Luna was a hairstylist and she had a brother. She excused herself because she had an appointment later. They exchanged phone numbers and Luna had invited Sehun to her house the day after. Sehun said yes.

"Bye. " Sehun waved at Luna.

He smiled to himself. Maybe he had found the girl he was waiting for after all.

Sehun arrived finally at Luna's house and again, he was nervous.
It was actually a first time in 21years had he ever went to a girl's house. Damn, the sweat was wetting his forehead and back too. Sehun sincerely hoped he don't smell. He even put on some perfume to prevent that.

Sehun exhaled a heavy breath before knocking on the door. He held his breath and waited.

Sehun actually was expecting Luna to open the door , but when the door opened, a young boy came in sight.

Sehun could felt his heart beat stopped for a second. The surroundings seemed to stop their movement, holding their breaths like Sehun, while Sehun stared at the angel in front of him.

The boy had too a hazelnut coloured hair, smoothed down his front. He had a pair of deer like eyes unlike Luna's. Sehun's gaze wandered to his small cherry lips and he could imagined the smile.

As Sehun was busy drowned in his prince charming world, Luna emerged from the side.

"Sehun-ah! You came!" She said, waking Sehun from his dreams.

"Oh...yea..yeah." He answered , still staring at the boy next to her.

Luna followed his gaze and then realized she hadn't introduce him.

"Oh! This is Luhan. The handsome brother I told you about." Luna said, clinging her arms to Luhan's.

"Hi. " Luhan's deep voice almost killed Sehun. And Sehun hoped for Luhan to talk more but instead Luhan just walked away after a mere hello.

"Aish, he's probably just shy. Come on in." Luna said warmly.

"Oh..." Sehun muttered.

He couldn't believe it. He came to his date's house and had an eye on her brother! But hell did he ever seen someone this hot.

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