The Protectors Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 ~ Present Day

          “Jade! Hurry up! You’re going to be late for school!” Viviana Cooper yelled from the bottom of the grand staircase up to her daughter’s bedroom on the second floor.

            Jade groaned, turned off her iPod and took one last look at her self in the mirror before grabbing her school bag. She had dark wavy brown hair that fell well past her shoulders and big green eyes. 

            She ran down the stairs, “Mom? Where are you?” Jade yelled after she checked the living room and her father’s library.

            “I’m in the kitchen, and I have something for you!”

            Jade found her mother sitting at the end of the large mahogany table, pulling a pair of large brown boots out of a massive box.

She took one look at the boots and shook her head before pouring herself a glass of milk, “There is no way I’m wearing those ridiculous things out in public”

Her mother frowned, “Come on, all the girls these days are wearing them! I had them imported from Paris for you! Wear something other then those hot pink sneakers.”

Jade looked down at her well-worn converse shoes and shrugged. “I’d rather not look like a homeless Eskimo, but thanks anyway,” she finished the last drop of milk in her glass and placed it in the sink then got an apple from the basket on the kitchen island.

“I don’t know what to do with you sometimes Jade, but suit yourself, ill wear them”

“Go nuts,” she bit into an apple as the room went silent.

“So what do you have going on at school today?” Viviana asked. Being home schooled her entire life made her more curious about her daughter’s high school life than most parents.

Jade shrugged, “I think I get my math test back and I find out who is going to be my partner for the huge travel and tourism project. That should be interesting, considering I’m going to be spending the rest of the semester with them.”

“Well hopefully you will end up with Jared then! How excellent would that be?”

Jade snorted and swallowed a mouthful of apple before she responded to her mother’s confused expression. “That would suck. He never does any work and never shuts up. I’d have to do the entire project by myself,” she took one last bite of the apple and tossed it in the garbage can.

Jared was a good boyfriend, most of the time. He listened, most of the time. He didn’t start fights, most of the time. He was faithful, most of the time.

“Hope for the best then” Viviana called out after her daughter walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway.

“Bye mom!” Jade yelled as she closed the door to the garage and pulled the keys to her black Porsche out of her pocket and got in the front seat. She smiled as the garage door went up and sunlight filled the large room. It had been raining for five days straight and Jade was glad for the sun.

The cars engine purred as she eased the car out and turned on her music. Jade had only had her car for two months now, and this was the first day she was able to drive it with the top down.

She waved at the man who closed the huge iron gates after she pulled out of the driveway and sped down the dirt road to pick up her friends.

Living outside of the city had its benefits. There was nobody else around, being surrounded by a dense forest and having a huge yard was perfect for Jade, who liked her space. One of the downfalls was that it took forever to drive to school, and in the winter with a foot of snow, it was a nightmare.

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