The Protectors Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

          “I talked to my grandmother briefly and she said we could go and stay with her, and she can find someone to get us into the isles, but its going to be difficult,” Jade said as the waiter took the empty plates off the table.

            “Where does she live?”

            “Siesta Key, Florida.”

            “Well that is a bit of a drive,” Tobey looked surprised, “How long would it take to drive there?”

            “A day and a half probably, depending on the traffic, but if you drove all night you could get there the next morning.” Jade leaned back as someone brought her main course. Her mouth watered at the sight of the steak in front of her, which smelled amazing.

            She looked across the table at Tobey, who was staring at the lobster on the plate. He looked up at her, “This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life.”

            Jade laughed, “Wow, glad to know sea creatures look better than I do.”

            “Let me rephrase, this is the most beautiful thing I will ever stuff into my mouth,” he said and began eating.

            The steak was better than she had ever tasted before, and neither of them said a word until they were both done.

            “Thank you god, for the glorious seafood I have just eaten, and thank you to Jade’s parents who will be paying for it all,” Tobey mumbled as he wiped his hands and mouth on the nicely folded napkin.

            “No matter how hard I try, I can never put them back to the way they were before,” Jade was fiddling with the napkin, trying to get it to stay up straight, instead of falling over. She huffed and eventually gave up.

            “Your parents are going to freak when they see the bill though…”

            “I think they will be more upset that I had dinner with you, not about the cost of the food and imported dessert,”

            His face lit up, “There is dessert too?!”

            Jade laughed, “Of course, what restaurant doesn’t have dessert?”

            “Is there pie?”

            “If you want some, then yes.”

            Tobey whispered, “Apple pie… apple pie…”

            She waved the waiter over and ordered two slices, “I think we should find a place to stay tonight, and then head out early the next morning.”

            “Sounds good to me, are you thinking a little motel or something?”

            Jade laughed, “I refuse to stay in a motel. I will do anything else, take the bus, the subway, shop at regular clothing stores, but I will not stay in a motel.”

            “I don’t even know if there are any nice hotels around here,”

            “There is a nice one about an hour away, and I booked one of the suites for tonight, there are two bedrooms, a living room, two bathrooms and a full kitchen, so there is plenty of space.”

            “Excellent,” Tobey said, to Jade and to the huge piece of pie that was placed in front of him. Whipped cream was perfectly spiraled on top, along with a small pinch of cinnamon.

            After they were done, she handed the waiter a credit card and stood up, “We have to go to the front to pay, and then we can go,” she looked at Tobey, somewhat concerned, “Uh, are you ok?”

            “So much good food, so little stomach space,” He moaned but smiled.

            They walked to the front, hand in hand; Jade signed the receipt, picked up her car keys and walked outside into the rain. Thunder rumbled shortly after a small flash of lightning.

            “Did you see the storm the other night?” Tobey asked as he slid into the seat, watching out the window for another flash of lightning.

            “I slept right through it!” Jade pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street, which was surprisingly empty for 10 30 on a Friday night.

            “It was pretty cool, but buy the looks of it there might be another good one tonight, the rain gods must not be very happy,” he flicked through the multiple songs programmed into the car, “I think we need one with a little bass.”

            The sounds of Afrojack filled the car as they drove down the road, singing along to the music. Jade concentrated on the road as the storm got worse; rain came down harder than anything she had ever driven in.

            “Uh, do you want to pull over and wait out the storm? This rain is crazy…”

            She looked around, “Actually, we might not have too, the hotel is right there, and I guess we were closer than I thought.”

            “Well it has been an hour, blasting good music passes the time,” Tobey laughed.

            Jade pulled into a parking spot, and got out of the car. She had put her bag in the trunk earlier; “Tobey is you’re…” she was pulled into a kiss.

            “Ack! Its pouring rain! Do we have to do that now?” she laughed in between kisses as the cool rain poured down onto her face.


            A moment later a loud crash of thunder made them jump apart, “Ok I am going inside now!” Tobey grabbed his bag out of the back seat and ran behind Jade to the doors.

            They got a couple of funny looks as they walked up to the front desk, soaking wet to check in.

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