The Protectors Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

          Six hours later the three of them were standing at the side of the road waiting to cross. Cars sped by as they waited for an opening. When one finally came they hurried across the road to the other part of the condo complex.

          Both Tobey and Jade had showered after their afternoon at the beach, enjoying the last 15 minutes of hot water that they would have for more than a week. Jade had stood under the rush of oncoming water, letting her fears wash away as the steam filled her lungs, the water being hotter than it ever had been before.

          She missed the shower already as she walked along the driveway with her bag slung over her shoulder, filled with a couple pairs of clothing and a few toiletries to last her the long boat ride to the isles.

          Tobey was tense beside her, not saying a word and staring straight ahead. She took his hand and squeezed it, earning half a smile and a sigh.

          Jade’s heart was pounding as they got closer and closer to the pier. The pool, condos and apartment buildings passed in what seemed like seconds to her as she put one foot ahead of the other.

          The little path that led to the pier came into the view and soon enough the three of them were walking along the stones. The wooden pier came into view, and then the water, as it swirled past the pier.

          They walked to the edge and stopped to look down at the water below. It was beginning to cool off, the breeze blowing around them and playing with Jade’s hair.

          Jade set her bag down on the wooden bench and soon after Tobey did the same. He sat down beside his bag and looked at his shoes.

          “What time is it?” she asked. She had left her ipod back at her grandmothers, and most of her other things. Tobey left his cell phone and ipod back too.

          “Almost 4:30, Benjamin should be here any minute. He is usually on time.” Her grandmother said, sitting in between the two of them and taking both their hands.

          Jade looked up over the wooden railing, across the river at the huge houses that were on the mainland. Someone was driving a sea-doo, goofing around with their friends. She listened to the hum of its engine even as it pulled up to its dock and stopped, but the humming of the engine continued, in fact it was getting louder.

          She looked over to one side where the sound was coming from and in the distance a shape appeared. As it got closer and closer Jade could make out the shape of a man driving a little speed boat.

          “Here he comes,” her grandmother gave an encouraging smile and stood up to go meet him at the edge of the pier.

          As the boat pulled up to the side of the pier Jade was able to get a good look at the man. He had short brown hair, a beard and a face that looked like he was in his mid-forties. He was well built and had a smile on his face as he jumped out of the boat and gave her grandmother a hug.

          “Hello Sophia! It has been such a long time since I have seen you, how are you doing?” he asked and pulled out of the hug.         

          “I am well, a bit nervous,” she took a step back and held out her arm, gesturing to Jade, “This is my granddaughter Jade.”

          She stepped forward to shake the man’s firm hand, giving him a hello and a smile. Tobey did the same thing as she introduced him.

          “Thank you for all your help,” Jade said.

          “Anytime, I am honored to meet you two, and if there is anything I can do to help you please ask me, I will do everything I can.” He smiled, “We should probably get going, are you two ready?”

          The both nodded and Jade looked to her grandmother who smiled at her, “Thank you grandma,” she hugged the old woman fiercly as Tobey handed her bag to Benjamin who put it in the little boat.

          Tobey hugged her next and thanked her as well.

          “This will be over in a couple days, and when you get back you have to come and visit! The beach will be waiting!” she took a step back from the edge of the pier.

          “Be careful Jade, and Tobey, please make sure she doesn’t do anything too careless…”

          Jade smiled and Tobey laughed, “I’ll try my best,” he said and got into the little boat, sitting up front. Jade sat down behind him and slid her bag beside her. She looked at Tobey as he looked over the water. His hair blew in the breeze, cross sparking in the late afternoon light, looking quite amazing.

          Benjamin started the engine and slowly pulled the boat away from the pier. Jade felt tears sting her eyes, but she held them back, It was no time to cry, it was time to be strong, and she had to show it. She took a deep breath as she lifted her arm up to wave as the boat got farther and farther away from her grandmother.

          The old woman had a huge smile on her face and was waving back, “Kick some ass you two, I love you!”

          Tobey laughed and waved back, leaning back to take Jade’s free hand, and the three of them waved together as the boat got farther and farther away from the pier. Soon she was nothing but an outline. Jade put her arm down and sighed, “This is it,” she said and looked at Tobey who just squeezed her hand and looked out at the water.

          They pulled out of the little river of water and out into the open, where there was nothing but clear blue water ahead of them. 

The Protectors Series: Book One - The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now