The Protectors Chapter 10

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 Chapter 10

          Tobey was getting his ass kicked at rockband. Jade had gotten perfect on the last five songs, and nearly perfect on the rest. She was flawless on the drums, while Tobey was barely passing the 75% score.

            Jade hit the last note, which made another perfect song. She smiled at him and laughed when he frowned at his 78% score.

            “Really? That’s it? I had no idea I was that bad…” He leaned the guitar against the edge of the couch and looked at the time on the DVD player below the TV. 7:35pm. “Have we really been playing that long?”

            “I guess so, we did all the songs and a few of them twice when you demanded a re-match,” Jade laughed and stood up, “Would you like to stay for dinner? I can get something brought up.”

            “I cant, I have an essay due tomorrow that I haven’t even started,” He watched her face fall ever so slightly, “Thanks though, and my brother is waiting for me.” 

            “That’s all right, another time then.”

            The room was silent for a moment as Tobey stood up, he thought of anything to end the awkward silence, “So what are we going to do for research?”

            “Research for what?” Jade looked confused.

            “For our project…” he laughed as she remembered the assignment that brought them together in the first place.

            “I think my grandma has a few books, I can ask her to send them to me. I don’t even think there is much on the internet.” She began walking towards the door, and Tobey followed.

            “Probably not, which means the computer lab time we have this week will be useless.” They walked out of her room and then down the stairs in silence. The sun was getting low in the sky, which was beginning to turn the lightest shade of orange. There was not a cloud in sight.

            Jade opened the front door as Tobey put on his shoes and followed her outside. She stopped on the top step and he continued walking.

            “You know, you’re not as much of a dork as I thought,” Jade said and he turned around.

            “And you’re not that spoiled brat I thought you were,” He smiled and took a step backwards, still looking at her.

            Jade blushed and looked at the steps, “That’s not what Jared says, but you better get used to me, we have a project to do together for the next month.”

            “I don’t give a damn about Jared, I don’t have a problem with you,” He smiled, “And we are going to be working together for a lot longer than a month,” He pulled at the chain that hung around his neck.

            Jades heart jumped slightly when she realized Tobey really wasn’t going anywhere. This made her happier than it should have.

            “Goodnight Tobey, ill see you tomorrow.”

            “Night Jade,” He turned and walked to his truck.

            She stood leaning against one of the pillars on the front porch until he drove out of the driveway and onto the dirt road. When the gates closed she turned and walked inside to get something to eat. The entire time until she fell asleep, Jade couldn’t get Tobey out of her head.

The Protectors Series: Book One - The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now