1- Welcome To My Life

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"I'm up early!" I ran down the stairs, tripping on the last step and managing to keep my balance.

"Finally. But, your hair is a mess. Like always." Miss Prince, the orphanage owner said.

I nodded, still managing to stay cheerful "I'll fix it in a second."

I started to pack my bag when Maria, one of the seven other older girls at the orphanage entered the room. She was a pretty girl with dark hair and large eyes, yet she had a cruel personality. She was at least four years older than me.

"Miss Prince, my hairbrush has gone missing!" Maria complained.

"Has it?" Miss Prince immediately shot me a look like I had something to do with it.

"Bailee stole it!" Maria accused. I looked at her, confused. I hadn't stolen a hairbrush.

"Okay, give it back... NOW!" Miss Prince said sharply "Stop being such a brat."

"I'm not. I haven't stolen anything." I sighed as I dropped one of my most treasured items on the ground. My favourite photo of my parents. One of the only few photos of them I had. Their wedding photo.

I went to go pick it up but Maria picked it up before I could "Where's my hairbrush?!"

"Maria, I don't know," I shook my head "Give me back my photo please."

"No! You've stolen my hairbrush, you little rat!" She snapped.

"I didn't! Give me my photo back!" I winced at her tone.

"Give the hairbrush back. I'll have the photo, thank you very much." Miss Prince took the photo off Maria.

"Please, Miss Prince, I didn't take it."

"I'm disposing of this if you don't tell the truth now."

"I didn't." I trembled, shaking my head, my small hands clenched into fists. Why didn't she ever believe me?

"Liar! Nothing good ever comes of a liar, you know." Miss Prince started to tear the photo in half to my absolute horror.

"No, no, no, no." I repeated the same word over and over again, tears springing to my eyes.

The photo was already in half.

"Tell. The. Truth." Miss Prince threatened to rip it more.

"I am!" I fell onto my knees, crying "Please don't damage it! Please, it's one of the only t-things I can remember-"

She ripped it a tiny bit more "You are a liar!"

I quickly snatched the photo from her, pulling it away. The next thing I knew, my face was stinging.

Miss Prince had hit me.

"Your room! Now! Go get ready." Miss Prince said. I clutched my cheek in tears, running up to my room.

I collapsed on my bed, sobbing. The photo was in three pieces. Maybe I could repair it at school with some glue.

I rubbed my cheek. It didn't hurt too much. I was just shocked. She had never hit me before. I was sure this wouldn't be the last time.

I sighed, starting to get ready.


"Hurry your bloody arse up! The bus is here!" I heard Miss Prince yell from downstairs.

"I'm trying to get ready!" I gritted my teeth. I hated her. She made my life miserable.

I finished with my hair, put the pieces of the photo in my pocket and ran downstairs. Miss Prince was standing there and the other seven girls were gone.

"Well, you took your time. The bus has gone." Miss Prince said, glaring down at me.

I looked at my feet "Sorry, Miss."

"You're such a lost cause. You're going to have to walk."

"But, Miss it's at least two miles-"

"Don't answer back! And also if you don't return the hairbrush by tonight, any photo you have of your parents will be put on the fire as a punishment!" She snapped. I sighed, grabbing my bag and walking out of the door, wiping a tear away. My life sucked.

It was a rainy day outside. The water made my hair go frizzy again and my bag got drenched. Along the way, I accidentally dropped the pieces of the photo in a puddle. I, however, managed to save them before too much damage was caused.

When I arrived at school, I was late. Very late. I quickly put my bag away,

"Why are you late?" The teacher asked. I sighed.

"Traffic." I lied.

"Well next time, get ready quicker."

"Geez, it's not my fault." I mumbled so he couldn't hear. I then took my seat at the back of the classroom behind Mike Teavee who like always was on his phone, playing some video game.

I pulled the pieces of the photo from my pocket and I placed them on the desk, using my arm to hide them. The photo was completely wrecked.

I whimpered, resting my head on the desk.

Welcome to my crappy life.

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