17- New Friends

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Five days later, on Sunday, a local charity rushed me to the airport.

'There'll be a lady waiting for you. She'll be willing to take in you into her orphanage for the next few days.' A man said. I nodded.

'Okay. When will Mike come?' I asked.

'Whenever his parents bring him. Hopefully soon. He wouldn't want to miss this.' The man said, passing me a plane ticket 'Here's your ticket. The plane's taking off soon. I'll see you when you arrive back here.'

'Thank you.' I said, and I started to head to the place where I had to board the plane. Once I had boarded, I sat in a seat, by myself. I had only had a carry on luggage. My backpack filled with a few articles of clothing. I was excited. I had never even left Denver, let alone America. However, I had nothing else to do on the trip, so I fell into a deep sleep.


When, I woke up, the plane had just arrived in England. I got off, after everybody else did, as I didn't want to get stuck in the crowd.

As soon as I arrived in the airport, I looked around for the lady. I didn't need to collect any luggage from the ramp.

Soon enough, I found the lady. She was a young pretty brown haired woman, holding up a sign that said 'Looking for Bailee Baker.'.

'Hi, I'm B-Bailee.' I walked over.

'Nice to meet you, Bailee. I'm Jennifer. I'll be looking after you until Wednesday, when you fly back. Don't worry, I've got plenty of other orphans for you to hang around with.'

I bit my lip. The last thing I needed was another abusive caretaker, who looked after a bunch of bully orphans.

'Are they nice?' I asked, quietly.

'Of course they are. Nicest kids you'll ever meet. There's about twenty of them. You'll fit right in.'

She took me in a taxi, and we headed through the snowy streets.

'Hey, there's Wonka's factory.' Jennifer pointed out a large, grey, lonely-looking factory, with a large iron fence around it. It looked quite dull, but I guessed it would be amazing on the inside instead. I also noticed a dark haired boy, standing in front of the gate, looking at it. I guess it was mysterious.

'And the orphanage is just around the corner. Oh, here we are.' Jennifer said. We arrived at a nice white house. It looked much nicer than the orphanage back in Denver.

'It's beautiful.' I said, quietly.

'Yes, it's very cosy inside. There's three floors. Plenty of room.' Jennifer led me in.

'New kid, everybody!' A bunch of kids came rushing down the stairs. Some my age, some younger, some older.

'Bailee, I'll show your room, on the third floor. You'll have to share with two other girls, but they're nice, don't worry.'

Jennifer led me up the stairs. It was a very warm house, and seemed quite cosy, with the red carpet.

'Megan, Elizabeth, this is Bailee. She'll be staying for a few nights. She's from America. Make her feel at home.' Jennifer opened the door to a room, where two girls sat. There were three beds, and quite a few bedside tables. There was even television in the room.

'Hi, I'm Elizabeth.' A red-haired girl smiled at me.

'And I'm Megan.' A pretty Asian girl grinned.

'Hi, I'm Bailee Baker. I'm from Denver, Colorado.' I waved, shyly.

'You're the girl with golden ticket!' Elizabeth's eyes widened

'I thought she looked familiar!' Exclaimed Megan 'Do you have it with you?'

'Yup.' I took it out of my bag, showing it to them. I was a bit cautious of the fact they might steal it, but to be honest, they looked nice enough.

'Oh my god, your interview was so funny. When, you and the boy were like "We're eleven!", I laughed so hard.' Megan giggled.

I blushed 'It was embarrassing.'

'I wish I had a golden ticket.' Megan sighed.

'There's still one ticket left. One of us may have a chance.' Elizabeth said.

'Nah. Well, bring some chocolate back for us, won't you?' Megan smiled.

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