10- Augustus Gloop

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-Third Person-

Meanwhile, all over the world, more chocolate bars were being sold, by the second. Everyone wanted a chance to get into Wonka's famous factory. Everyone wanted to get their hands on that golden ticket.

And one boy had.

Augustus Gloop was standing in his Dad's butcher, opening the packet of his Wonka bar, and taking a large bite.

He started to taste something with a metallic taste. Unsure of what it was, he spat it out.

A bit of gold fell out.

His eyes widened, as he looked at the packet.

He had found the first golden ticket.

Bailee's POV

I made my way down the snowy street, stopping at a shop window, with a TV in it. A news reporter was on the screen, talking, very quickly.

'The first golden ticket has been found, by a very lucky boy, by the name of Augustus Gloop. Over to him now.'

The TV quickly showed a snowy town. The words "Düsseldorf, Germany." Appeared, and a video of a boy in the butcher started to play.

He was a rather plump boy, in a striped shirt. To be honest, he looked a bit like Julian, with his large figure and ginger hair. He even had the same blue eyes. However, Julian wasn't as wide as this boy.

Augustus was looking around, looking rather pleased, with chocolate on his mouth. A large lady, who I assumed was his mother, stood by his side.

'I am eating the Wonka bar and I taste something, that is not chocolate... or coconut... or walnut, or peanut butter... or nougat...
or butter brittle, or caramel, or sprinkles. So I look and, I find the golden ticket.' He waved the ticket around. I gasped, slightly jealous, pressing my nose up to the window.

'Augustus, how did you celebrate?' The interviewer asked.

'I eat more candy!' He beamed.

I laughed a bit, fogging up the window.

'Oi! Get your filthy face off my window, you hobo!' A lady in the store yelled, and I ran, thinking about what I just saw.

The first golden ticket had been found.

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