24- The Glass Elevator

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The elevator took off at a remarkable speed. It seemed like it was going at about twenty million miles per hour. While, the boat didn't make feel sick, this did. We sped over many parts of the factory, which I couldn't see as the thing was going too fast.

Suddenly, it slowed down, as we flew over a brown mountain, covered with what looked like snow. My eyes widened, and I pressed my face up to the glass elevator.

'Oh, look. Look. Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to fudge mountain.' Willy Wonka said.

'Aye, it's beautiful.' I said, in a small voice. Mr Wonka nodded, waving at a Oompa Loompa, who was working on the mountain. We flew back into the building, entering a room, filled with pink sheep. Some Oompa Loompa's were shearing the sheep, collecting their pink wool. Cotton candy.

Wonka chuckled 'Oh... I'd rather not talk about this one.'

The elevator left that room, entering a hospital-like room, filled with many beds, with puppets lying in them. I recognized some of the puppets from the show, earlier.

'This is the puppet hospital and burn centre. It's relatively new.' Wonka smiled. The elevator sped up, going into a huge, dark room. It suddenly came to a halt, and I went flying into one of the walls of the elevator.

'Oof!' I said, as I hit my head.

'You alright?' Charlie asked. Mike looked at me.

'Mm.' I nodded, smiling a bit. The elevator went down, to where a single Oompa Loompa sat at a desk.

'Ah, the administration offices. Hello, Doris.' Wonka said, and the elevator went backwards, into another dark room, which was lit up by some fireworks. Some large candies of some sort were being fired out of cannons into the air. They then proceeded to explode into fireworks.

'Why is everything here completely pointless?' Mike raised his eyebrows. I sighed, shaking my head.

'Candy doesn't have to have a point. That's why it's candy.' Charlie said, in a soft voice.

'It's stupid. Completely, and utterly stupid.' Mike said.

'No, it's not. You're completely wrong.' I whispered. I didn't really want to disagree with Mike, in case, it led to a fight.

Mike shrugged, slumping his shoulders. I bit my lip, watching him. Charlie just kept silent. I fidgeted, starting to feel a bit claustrophobic, because of the tight space.

'I wanna pick a room.' Mike said to Mr Wonka.

'Go ahead.' Willy Wonka smirked, slyly.

Of course, he pressed the "television room" button...

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