6- Chocolate

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I woke up in the morning, to a rustling sound. Some small hairy creature of some sort, scampered up a tree.

'What?' I rubbed my eyes, sleepily. I was starving. I looked in my bag, for my food. It was all gone. The animal had stolen it.

'Great.' I said, sighing. I still had some money though, and there was a post office nearby.

I got up, feeling dirty, and started to walk to the local post office.

'Hello.' A cheerful guy at the desk of the post office said.

'H-hey.' I mumbled, looking around. No decent food. Just candy. In the end, I decided to buy a large Wonka's bar, with a marshmallow filling. That'd be enough to fill me up.

I bit into it, enjoying the sweet taste. It was delicious. I started to scoff it down.

'Woah, woah, steady. You'll make yourself sick.' The cheerful man said.

'Could I have another?' I asked, when I was finished.

'Is the chocolate for breakfast healthy?' He asked.

'My caretaker didn't give me breakfast. Hardly ever does.' I lied

'Oh. That's why you're so small. Do you want any help? I could call child services-'

'No!' I quickly snapped 'I mean, no thanks s-sir. I'll be fine.'

'Well, here. Have it free... But don't tell anyone.' The guy whispered, handing me another bar.

'Thank you.'

'Don't mention it. If you ever need anything else, I'm the man.' He smiled at me.

'Okay,' I was surprised  'I won't forget this, sir.'

I waved, smiling, and walking out. It was probably time to start heading to school. It was Friday already. Then, the weekend. How would I survive the weekend?!

Just a filler

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