23- The Demise Of Veruca

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We left the inventing room, heading through another corridor. Many thoughts were on my mind. Were we all going to end up like Violet, and Augustus?

'Mr Wonka?' Charlie asked.


'Why did you decide to let people in?' Charlie questioned.

'Well, so they could see the factory, of course.' Wonka said.

'But, why now? And, why only five?' Charlie said.

'What's the special prize, and who gets it?' Mike asked. I watched him out of the corner of my eye. He was still walking beside me.

'The best kind of prize is a sur-prise.' Willy Wonka chuckled.

Next thing I knew, Veruca was shoving me behind her, and standing beside Mike, and Mr Wonka.

'Hey!' I said, in a quiet, nervous voice 'Why'd you do t-that?'

'Sorry, I don't speak American.' She looked back at me, flashing me an innocent smile. I clenched my hands, trying not to get angry. My eyes filled with tears. Why did everyone hate me? Why did everybody go out of their way to try, and make me miserable? Julian, Ryan, all the other kids from my school, and now, Veruca Salt. Mike glanced at me, furrowing his eyebrows, and glaring. Was he glaring at me? Or Veruca? No, he was obviously glaring at me. Even, he hated me now. Of course, he did. The few days I was away from him, he realised what a loser I was. I sighed, sadly, looking at my feet. Charlie looked back at me, with a kind smile. The only nice person around here.

'Will Violet always be a blueberry?' Veruca asked, grinning.

'No. Maybe. I don't know. But that's what you get from chewing gum all day. It's just disgusting.' Wonka said.

'If you hate gum so much, why do you make it?' Mike asked. I sighed, looking at the back of his head.

'Once again, you really shouldn't mumble, cause it's kinda starting to bum me out.' Mr Wonka said.

'Can you remember the first candy you ever ate?' Charlie asked.

'No.' Wonka said, and he went silent.

'Hello, Mike,' Veruca then started to talk to Mike, in a sweet voice, for some reason or another 'We haven't met properly. I'm Veruca, as you probably know.'

'Sorry,' He said in a sarcastic tone 'I don't speak "brat".'

She scoffed, turning away, walking over to her father, instead. I smiled at Mike. I really had to stop worrying about the fact he didn't like me. He was a great friend, and I shouldn't ever doubt him.

'Thanks, Mike.' I said, pulling him into a hug. He awkwardly hugged me back. Our hugs were always awkward friend hugs, and to be honest, I liked them. They weren't romantic hugs, because we only had a friendly relationship, and I liked them like that.

'You're warm.' I mumbled into his shirt. I blushed, realising what I said.

'Sorry, that was the worst thing to s-say ever-'

'It's fine.' He chuckled a bit.

We quickly separated, when Mr Teavee coughed. I was blushing, and my heart was beating fast.

'I'm sorry, I was having a flashback.' Wonka suddenly said.

'I see.' Mr Salt said, pulling his daughter away from Mr Wonka.

'These flashbacks happen often?' Mr Teavee asked.

'Increasingly today.' Wonka smiled, as we reached a room called the "nut room". Mr Salt handed Wonka a business card, which Wonka immediately threw over his shoulder. I giggled.

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