13- Awkward Hugs

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The weekend passed. I continued to live under the bridge, eating just snow, and a bit of bread. I was learning to accept my hunger.

On Monday, I arrived at school, early so I waited outside the classroom.

'Bailee! Bailee!' The next thing I knew Mike was running up to me.

'Hey, Mike.' I bit my lip. I hadn't talk to him for days. I thought he had abandoned me, to be honest.

'Here.' Said Mike, shoving two Wonka's bars in my hand.

'What? You didn't have to.' I said.

'Open them. I promise you won't be disappointed.' Mike said, nodding his head.

'Maybe I'll save them for later.' I said, smiling.

'Aw, come on. Open them now... Please.'

I started to rip one up open. Then, I caught sight of Julian Davies who was behind Mike. I sighed. Julian was known for stealing other kid's stuff. If he saw these two chocolate bars, he'd definitely take them. I knew Mike wouldn't be too happy about that, and it'd probably turn into a huge fight. I did not want that.

'Later.' I mumbled.

'Why later?'

'I'll open them later.' I started to put them into my coat pocket, before Julian could see them.

'I get it, then,' Mike put his hands in his pockets, slumping 'You don't want them. You don't trust me.'

'I do. It's just-' Too late. He had already walked off. I sighed, tucking my knees up to my chest, sadly. Had I just lost my only friend?


A few lessons later, at the end of the day, I had Maths, which I found extremely boring, and I still felt upset after that morning. The day couldn't go fast enough.

As I went to grab my pencil, my arm brushed against the chocolate bars in my pocket. I shrugged, taking them, and opening one the tiniest bit. A bit of gold peeked out. I quickly ripped the rest of the wrapper off, my heart skipping a beat.

'Bailee's got a ticket!' A nearby girl yelled. Heather Warner.

'A ticket? What sort of ticket? You can't mean a-' The teacher asked.

'Golden ticket!' Alicia Pond yelled. Heather, Alicia and a boy, Timothy Gardens crowded around me.

The teacher rushed over 'It is so. How'd you get it?!'

'Bailee, I'll be your friend if you give me that ticket!' Alicia beamed at me. I blinked.

'But, if you give it to me, I'll be your best friend. We'll do everything together!' Heather giggled. I raised my eyebrows.

'No way, Heather! The ticket's mine.' Said Alicia.

Alicia then quickly added in 'I mean, Bailee's MY best friend.'

I knew at that moment, they would dump me the moment they got back from the factory. I sighed, looking up at them.


'She's not an idiot!' Timothy gave me a sly smile 'Give it to me, I'll give you twenty dollars!'

'Twenty dollars? I'll give her a hundred!' The teacher butted in.

'I'll give you two hundred! And my friendship. You'll be popular for once!' Heather said.

'Eight hundred then!' The teacher said.

'I'll throw in a phone, how about that?' Timothy then winked at me 'And a kiss too!'

Next thing I knew, the entire class was yelling offers at me. I was starting to feel claustrophobic, so I gritted my teeth, pushing through the crowd, and running out of the classroom, just as the bell went. I grabbed my bag. I needed to find Mike.

I spotted him outside the school, starting to walk home.

'Mike.' I called, softly. He ignored me. Or perhaps, he didn't hear. I was quiet at times. I got closer.

'Mike.' I said, louder. Yup, he was ignoring me, as I was only a few meters away.

'Mike.' I said, even loudly. He just started to walk faster.

'MIKE TEAVEE!' I said, at the top of my lungs. He jumped, turning around, surprised. I never raised my voice. Next thing I knew I was running towards him, and flinging myself at him, wrapping my arms around him. It was an awkward hug, as he really did not know what was going, and because i was very much shorter than him. He was nearly twice my size. Maybe not that big. But it seemed like it.

'Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!' I kept saying 'You are the most amazing person in the entire flopping world! Thank you! You are absolutely the best person ever!'

I continued to rant, as he looked down at me, grinning 'Why?'

'Mike, you know why!' I said, excitedly 'You gave me a golden ticket! A flopping golden ticket! To Wonka's factory! The fourth ticket.'

'And the fifth.'

'Wait, what?' I said, confused. I only had one.

'The other chocolate bar.' He said, and I took the other chocolate bar out of my pocket, ripping it open. Another golden ticket. My mouth fell open.

'My computer located two in Denver.' Mike shrugged.

'You are amazing!' I hugged him even tighter 'But, why two?'

'I thought you might want to take someone with you.' He shrugged again.

'You!' I said, grinning.

'Me? But I don't like chocolate.' Mike said.

'Who else could I take? Julian Davies? Ryan Horner? Yeah, no thanks.'

'I guess I could...' Mike said.

'There she is!' Across the road, Timothy Gardens pointed at me 'The fourth golden ticket finder!'

I passed the second golden ticket to Mike, quickly, as Timothy Gardens, and a woman ran over to us. Mike, and I quickly pulled apart from our awkward hug.

'Where's the ticket?' The woman asked.

I held it up 'Here.'

'Oh my god, it is a real ticket!'

'Two real tickets.' Mike added, holding his own up.

'Wow! You both found a ticket? That's amazing! You two must come to the news station right now! Follow me.' The woman said.

'Thanks, Mike.' I mumbled to him, as we followed the woman.

He shrugged 'Anytime.'

I wrapped my arms around him once more, giving him another awkward hug 'I can't explain my happiness.'

I quickly pulled away, as he smiled. Just a average awkward "friendly" hug.

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