26- A Final Goodbye

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Mr Wonka pressed a button, for the floor "Up and Out", and the elevator took off a tremendous speed.

'Up and out? What kind of room is that?' Charlie asked.

'Hold on.' Wonka smiled.

'You mean we're going through the roof?!' Mike yelped.

Wily Wonka nodded 'I've been longing to press that button for years.'

'Are you insane?!' Mike said. My eyes widened, as I started to panic. We were all going to die! The elevator would shatter. It was made of glass!

'Yes, completely,' Wonka smiled 'We're gonna need to go much faster, otherwise we'll just never break through.'

'Do you really mean-' Mr Teavee started.

'Yeah, I do.' Wonka said.

'But it's made of glass. It'll smash into a million pieces!' Charlie's grandfather said. I gritted my teeth, looking up. The roof was approaching... Fast.

I stood, closer to Mike, my shoulder brushing against his. If, I was going to die, I wanted to say goodbye to my friend, before I did.

'I...' I started, but the roof was close. Very close. I stopped talking, and squeezed my eyes shut, preparing for the impact. I heard something smashing, and I fell backwards, onto someone.

But, I could still feel myself standing on a solid floor. I opened one eye, gulping, as I saw we were flying above the factory, in the glass elevator, which had slowed down. We had survived.

'Sorry.' I said, as I realized I was leaning against Mike.

'All good.' He said. I stepped away from him, watching the floor, which was made of glass. It was rather frightening, but I wasn't too scared of heights, so I managed to keep calm.

'Wonka?' I asked, softly 'Will the other kids be alright? Violet, Veruca, Augustus?'

'Probably, it serves them right though. Horrible children.' Wonka said.

'Down there.' Mike pointed below. Veruca, Violet, and Augustus, along with their parents, were walking out of the factory. And they looked... Different. Veruca was covered in rubbish, and so was Mr Salt. Violet was completely purple, but she was returned to her normal size, and doing flips. Augustus was completely covered in chocolate, and sucking his fingers.

'Augustus's dream.' Joked Mike.

'Hey! That's mean.' I poked his shoulder, smiling. He went back to looking bitter. Great, he was mad again, and I didn't even know why.

'Hm, which one of you lives closest to here?' Mr Wonka asked, as we rose above the whole town.

'That would be Charlie, sir.' Charlie's grandfather said.

'Where do you live?' Wonka asked Charlie.

'Right over there. That little house.' Charlie pointed to a crooked house in the middle of town. The glass elevator flew over, and next thing, I knew, the elevator was flying through the roof of the house, landing in Charlie's house. It was a nice wooden house, with a small rickety kitchen, a table, and a bed. It was quite small.

The doors to the elevator opened, and Charlie said 'Hey, Mum.'

'Hi.' A kind-looking lady said, looking at the damage, the elevator had caused. I guessed she was Charlie's mother, as they looked quite similar.

'Mum, Dad, we're back.' Charlie said. I noticed two old ladies, and one old man in the bed. They looked very aged, and sickly. I assumed this family was poor, and immediately felt sorry for them. I guessed some people had it worse than me.

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