27- Dr Wonka

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-Third Person-

Mike, his father, Charlie and the rest of Bucket's watched, as the glass elevator flew out through the roof. Mike was glaring at the floor, as if that would bring Bailee back, while Charlie looked up at the roof, feeling slightly betrayed by Mr Wonka. Mike's father was just glad the whole factory tour was over, and the Bucket's were just glad Charlie was safe.

'Things are going to get much better.' One of Charlie's grandmother, Georgina smiled.

'It's best we go, now. Goodbye, it was nice meeting you all.' Mr Teavee placed a hand on his son's shoulder.

'Bye, Mike.' Charlie said, in a small face, unsure whether the boy liked him or not.

'Bye.' Mike slumped his shoulders, looking at the floor. Mike, and his father soon left.


Meanwhile, Bailee was slumped, against the wall of the glass elevator, biting her lip. She didn't want to stay here with Mr Wonka. She didn't want to help make candy anymore. She regretted the decision of coming with Willy Wonka. She thought about how Wonka had isolated himself from the world, for years. Perhaps, she would own the entire factory, once Wonka had passed, and never see a living soul again, except for the Oompa Loompa's. Or, perhaps, when she was much older, she herself would send out six golden tickets. Or maybe, before all that could happen, she'd just save herself the pain, and put a gun to her head.

Stop thinking depressing thoughts. It's for the best The voice in her head said Think good thoughts. You will have all the candy, you could ever imagine

'Hm,' Mr Wonka said 'What about candy shot glasses? Made of chocolate? What about that, Bailee?'

'Yeah, whatever.' Bailee shrugged. Was it too late to turn back? She decided it probably was. Anyway, going back would mean having to deal with Miss Prince, Julian Davies, and everybody else, who tried to ruin her life.

She had only been friends, with Mike, for a few weeks, but she already missed him like crazy. She wondered why she had known him for years, and never to bothered to make friends, with him. She sighed.


The next day, Mike flew back to America, with his father. When, he went back to school, the next day, it seemed like every single student asked him where Bailee was.

'You'll find out, soon enough.' He would mutter, and go back to playing on his phone.

A whole week passed. Soon, the school found out, that Bailee had inherited the entire chocolate factory.

'That little freak?' Julian had said, as he read about it in the newspaper 'No...'

Mike, and Julian got into a fight, after Julian said that. Julian ended up with a black eye, and Mike a twisted ankle, and a black eye. Both got suspended for two weeks.

Mike, then, isolated himself in his room, for those two weeks, playing video games.


Meanwhile, Bailee continued to live at Wonka's factory. She got her own luxurious room, ate the most delicious of food, and had everything she could have imagined, but nothing would cheer her up.

Willy Wonka started to panic more, as he realized Bailee wasn't any good, at least while she was isolated from the world. She refused to help, with the creation of candy. She was so severely homesick, that she just couldn't think properly.

Soon enough, Wonka decided that he would to have find someone else. A second person to help. Someone, who could hopefully fix the whole situation. Charlie Bucket.

Bailee's POV

It had been weeks, since I left my whole life behind, for the factory. That day, Mr Wonka insisted that we go out to the local town. My mood started to improve, a bit. I would make the most of what might be last time in the real world.

I sat on a bench, near a post office, watching as Wonka went to go get his shoes polished. Who happened to be the shoe polisher?

Charlie. As soon as I saw him, I knew something was up.

I pretended to be reading a newspaper article about me, and how I was ruining  Wonka's chocolate, as I watched Charlie, and Mr Wonka.

'Pity about that chocolate fellow, Wendell? Walter? And the girl, Bethany? No Brittany, wasn't it?' Wonka was saying. I raised my eyebrows.

'Willy Wonka, and Bailee Baker.' Corrected Charlie.

'That's the one. Says here in the paper his new candies aren't selling very well. But I suppose he's just a rotten egg who deserves it.'

'Yep.' Charlie sighed.

'Oh, really? You ever met him?' Wonka asked.

'I did. I thought he was great at first, but then he didn't turn out so nice. He also has a funny haircut.' Charlie said.

'I do not!' Mr Wonka slammed the newspaper down. I stifled a laugh. I hadn't laughed for... God knows how long.

'Why are you here?' Charlie asked, rolling his eyes.

'I don't feel so hot. What makes you feel better when you feel terrible?' Mr Wonka asked.

'My family.' Charlie said.

'Ew.' Said Wonka.

'What do you have against my family?!' Charlie glared.

'It's not just your family. It's the whole idea of... You know, they're always telling you what to do, what not to do, and it's not conducive to a
creative atmosphere.' Said Wonka.

'Usually they're just trying to protect you because they love you. If you don't believe me, you should ask.' Charlie said.

'Ask who? My father? No way. At least, not by myself.' Mr Wonka said.

'You want me to go with you?' Charlie asked. I put my newspaper down, sighing.

'I guess I'm coming, too.' I said.

'Bailee.' Charlie said. I nodded.

'We're both coming.' I said to Mr Wonka.

'Hey. Hey, what a good idea. Yeah! And you know what?' Mr Wonka got you, heading towards the glass elevator 'I got transp-'

He suddenly ran into the elevator 'I have to be more careful where I park this thing.'

We got into the elevator, and I could feel hope rising in me. Maybe, after this, I could convince Mr Wonka for Mike to come, and claim what was supposed to be his prize.


Soon enough, we arrived at a grey, dull-looking house, in the middle of the snow.

'My father was a dentist. He wouldn't let me have candy, so I ran away. When I came back, he was gone.' Wonka explained, as we headed up the steps of the house, knocking on the door.

No one answered.

'I think we've got the wrong house.' Wonka said.

And, then the door opened. A stern-looking man, with a white beard peeked out.

'Do you have an appointment?' The man said.

'No, but he's overdue.' Charlie said, and we entered the house. Inside, Wonka was put onto a dentist chair, as his father looked over his mouth.

Charlie, and I both looked at a wall, which was covered in pictures of a younger Willy Wonka, and newspaper articles about him being missing.

'He must have missed him...' Charlie said 'Do you miss Mike?'

'Mm.' I said, in a quiet tone.

'Understandable,' Charlie said 'Maybe, after this... You'll be able to see him, again.'

'I guess.' I shrugged, sadly, just as Wonka, and his father started to hug.


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