18- Willy Wonka

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Monday came, and I thought the fifth ticket may never be found. However, the last two days had been good. Good food, a warm bed. Elizabeth, and Megan showed me around town. They were kind, but they had a annoying knack of talking about boys nearly all the time. There was one time, when they were both discussing Mike, in a weird lovey dovey way, which I found awkward. To be honest, I didn't like it, when people talked about my friend like that. When, I told them that I found it weird, they insisted I was jealous, and was in love with him. I couldn't complain though. They had been nice to me. However, they just couldn't replace Mike.

That night, as we were watching TV, the last golden ticket was found.

'People thought the last ticket may never be found,' A news reporter was saying 'But, now it has. There's a rumor that a boy by the name of Charlie Bucket, from England has found it. We don't have an interview, buts here's a photo of this extremely lucky child.'

A picture of a boy with chocolate brown hair, the brightest eyes I had ever seen, and a sweet smile, appeared on the screen.

'Oh my gosh, it's Charlie!' Elizabeth exclaimed.

'You know him?' I asked.

'He lives down the road,' Megan explained 'He's so cute, but he's younger than us. Eleven, the same age as you.'

'Say hello to him for us tomorrow.' Elizabeth said.

'We'll help you get ready tomorrow if you want.' Megan offered.

'O-Okay.' I nodded.

'Lovely,' Megan smiled 'I've got a outfit that might suit you.'

'Yes, you need to look your best for Willy Wonka,' Elizabeth winked 'I heard he's hot.'

I gagged 'Elizabeth, he's probably like... Thirty!'

Elizabeth shrugged, smiling 'Oh well.'


That morning, both Elizabeth and Megan got me up at six, insisting that I needed as much time as possible to get ready. Megan went through the wardrobes, finding a outfit, while Elizabeth attempted to tame my hair, and actually succeeded.

'Why is this so important? It's not a party or anything.' I asked Elizabeth.

'Bailee! No one has went in that factory, since... God knows how long!' Elizabeth said 'You are such a lucky person.'

'I guess-'

'I've found it!' Megan chucked a pastel blue top at me, and a white skirt, along with some white stockings.

'They're amazing.' I smiled, although I was slightly hoping to wear something less... Girly.

'It'll look adorable. It'll fit you perfectly. I had it bought for me a few years ago, but I've never worn it, because it's always been several sizes too small, even back then. God, you're so small!' Megan said.

'Is that a good or a bad thing?' I bit my lip.

'It's good!' Elizabeth said, as she finished up with hair, leaving it loose. It was straight, completely straight.

I got changed, and to be honest, the outfit actually looked nice. As a finishing touch, Elizabeth gave me a flower crown.

Megan clapped her hands together 'Perfect!'

'Yes, but we have to go! It's already seven thirty!' Elizabeth said.


When, we arrived outside the factory, a huge crowd was gathered. Cameras were flashing, and news reporters were everywhere.

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