15- Another Chance

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Soon enough, I waved a quick goodbye to Mike, and pushed through the crowd at his house. Many microphones and cameras were shoved in my face, but I just ignored them, and ran off, back to the bridge. I ate one piece of bread, before curling up in a ball, and covering myself with my bedding.

'Bailee! Bailee!' Someone was calling me.

'Bailee! Are you around here?' Another voice.

I would recognize those voices anywhere. Maria and Indigo. I trembled, pushing myself further into the bushes.

'Baileeee!' Another voice called. Dorris.

'There she is!' Someone else cried. It was Elle, running towards me. I jumped up, backing away.

'Oh my gosh, Bailee. We were so worried.' Maria hugged me, tightly. I looked at her, surprised.

'I thought you didn't care about me...' I said, quietly.

'Of course we do!' Dorris said 'Why would you think that?'

'Well, you treated me like rubbish back at the orphanage...' I raised my eyebrows. People couldn't change that quickly. Could they? Maybe, they just wanted my golden ticket... That was probably the reason.

'I'm so sorry for that! We felt so guilty, when you ran away. We thought you were dead!' Maria wiped away a tear.

'Oh... I'm sorry.'

'Well, you're alright now. That's what matters. Come on. Let's get you to the orphanage. You look starved.' Said Elle.

'The orphanage?' I took a few steps back.

'Yeah, why?' Maria asked.

'What if this is all a trick? What if you-' I was shaking.

'Awww, Bailee. We didn't mean to hurt you back there. Please just give us one more chance.' Maria pleaded.

I sighed, biting my lip. Should I trust them?


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