8- Therapist

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You know how I spent my weekend? Under a small local bridge. I set up my bedding, and spread out my stuff. Luckily, no other homeless people were nearby.

I decided that my best option would to find another orphanage. I had heard there was another one a few miles away. I would go to my normal school, as long as I could, because it was likely Miss Prince would stop paying them to let me go there. However, I think she had already finished paying, for the year, so that wouldn't be a problem until next year. I didn't want to move schools, until I absolutely had to, because I did not want to meet a whole bunch of new bullies. It wasn't like I'd make new friends. No one ever liked me.

I made my food over the weekend, last. I only had the chocolate bar from the day before, and the bread, so I ate just the chocolate bar, and three slices of bread. I was used to being hungry, so it wasn't too hungry. I filled up my school water bottle with some water from the sink in the public toilets several times, so that kept me full. I knew a local charity gave soup and bread to the homeless ever Tuesday, so I decided I'd go there, every week. And the school gave kids free breakfast on Mondays, and Fridays.

I was going to survive. It wouldn't be too bad.

On Sunday night, the snow was thick. It was freezing. I wrapped myself up in my bedding, and extra clothes, trying to fall asleep.

It didn't work. I spent the whole night, shivering.

On Monday morning, I packed my stuff into my bag, and hid behind a bush, getting changed into jeans, and t-shirt. My only decent outfit, although the clothes were slightly worn out.

I then headed to school.

'Bailee! Bailee!' Mike ran up from behind me.

'Hey, Mike.' I smiled, shyly, still a bit embarrassed about Friday. What if he stopped talking to me?

'What exactly happened on Friday? My parents are confused.' He asked.

'I was tired. I hadn't had sleeps for days.' I shrugged, not telling him the entire truth.

'You better now?' He asked, moving his head to one side.

'Yup.' I lied.

'Great. Wanna come to my house this afternoon? Stay for dinner? We're having pizza.'

'Yeah, sure, if it's not too much trouble.' I said.

'Sick,' He grinned 'We're here.'

'I've got to get some breakfast. See you at break.' I waved, running off.


Just as I went to sit down in class, a man walked in, saying 'Can I see Bailee Baker?'

'Yep. She's over there.' The teacher pointed to me.

'Bailee, come with me.' The man motioned for me to follow him, into a dull white room, with a black desk, and two black chairs.

'Take a seat. Sorry to be interrupt your class. I'm Mr Walter, but call me Finn.' He said.

'I'm B-Bailee.' I said, shyly, looking at my feet.

'There have concerns about your safety at the moment. Who do you live with?'

'The orphanage.' I said, sadly, lying, just the tiniest bit.

'Oh. I'm sorry. Who takes care of this orphanage?'

'Miss P-Prince.' I mumbled.

'No need to be scared. You're not in trouble. Are there other children at the orphanage?'

'Six girls.' I bit my lip.

'How old?'

'They're all in their teens. I'm the youngest.' I sighed.

'Have they ever abused you? Physically or verbally?'

I shook my head. I didn't want to cause any problems. I didn't want to get involved with the police.

'Do you feel safe?' He asked. I nodded.

'Do they feed you well enough?'

'Yes... Why?' I asked.

'There's been concerns about your size.'

'My size is fine.'

'I'm sorry, but it's really not. You're way under the average height, and you're as thin as stick.'

'There's nothing wrong with being skinny.' I said, raising my eyebrows.

'To a certain point. Do you try to be skinny? I mean, do you.... Over exercise or starve yourself?' He asked.

'Nope. I eat as much as I can, and I only exercise in PE.'

'Strange. Are you sure no one abuses you? It can be anyone. Your guardian, your peers, anyone.'

'No one has ever hurt me.' I lied. I didn't want to make a fuss.


'What does that have to do with anything?' I asked, curiously.

'Children who get abused tend to be smaller. Abuse isn't very good for their bones. Or anything, in that matter.'

'Oh.' I said. I always knew I was smaller than most children, but I never thought of myself as too small.

'Here. Have this in class,' The man handed me a apple 'Maybe, if we feed you more at school.'

I exited the room, heading back to my class, chomping on the Apple. That wasn't all too bad. I'd get more food now.

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