5- Homeless

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I managed to catch the bus to school, the next day, as I woke up early, and headed to the bus stop, before anyone in the orphanage woke up.

However, Mike wasn't on the morning, that day, so I sat alone, with Julian Davies and Ryan Horner behind me. They were both being annoying.

'You look hot today. Except for the clothes.' Julian scrunched up his nose, looking up and down at my plain brown shirt, ripped black stockings and white skirt. Ugh, I hated my outfit. I hated skirts, and stockings. But, I wasn't able to get good clothes.

'No one said you had to like it.' I sighed, biting my lip, sadly.

'But, I like you... Got out with me?' Julian asked.

'No! You asked that yesterday.' I looked at my feet, nervously. I was scared about how he would react.

'Bailee Baker, one day, I will get you to go out with me. Whether, it's today, tomorrow, the next-'

'Julian! How thick are you? You're such a idiot. First, you're a bully to me, and then, next thing I know, you're in love with me.' I snapped, and then flinched. He would be angry. I was partly scared he would hit me.

'Bailee, I'm sorry. I truly am. I've just liked you for so long. I'll never hurt you again.' He said, grabbing my head, softly, and forcing me to look at him.

'Julian, I'm sorry. How can I love someone, who's given me bruises?' I said, trying to look away.

He scowled, his rude tone returning 'You little...'

Julian quickly cut himself off, forcing a smile on his face. But it was too late. There was no way I was ever going to trust him. And to be honest, I probably wouldn't trust anyone else for some while. After everything that has happened to me.

The bus stopped at school, and I quickly got off, slinging my bag onto my shoulder.

'Man, she obviously likes you.' I heard Ryan Horner say behind me.


As soon as I went to put my bag away, Mike Teavee came running up to him.

'Bailee!' He said.

'Hey, M-Mike.' I looked at my feet.

'I missed the bus this morning. We have our first class together though.'

'Yeah.' I sighed, nodding.

'You wanna come to my house tonight? Mum said you can have dinner with us.'

'Hmm.' I considered it. Miss Prince would be angry. Maybe, I could sneak back home, late at night, and then wake up, extra early. I'd have to come up with some excuse later, but I decided to do that.

'Okay.' I nodded.

'Great.' He gave me a smile. I smiled a sad smile back.


'I've saved you a seat.' I said to Mike, as he boarded the home bus.

'Thanks.' He sat down beside me. Unluckily, Julian Davies sat behind us, followed by Ryan Horner.

'Mike, and Bailee? Are you kidding me?' Ryan snickered.

'Why are you with that freak, Mike?' Julian said. I said nothing, looking at my feet.

'Dude, just shut up.' Mike rolled his eyes at Julian.

Julian and Ryan kept quiet for the rest of the bus ride.


Mike, and I got off the bus, heading to his house. The same thing happened. We just played video games. This time, I joined in more, and got better.

"Dinner" just meant sitting in front of the television, watching some war program, while his mother (a woman who looked remarkably like him) served us some sort of TV dinner, on trays. I wanted to help her, but she said I didn't have to. Mike and I both were quiet, during most of the night. After dinner, we just went back to playing video games.

'Honey, I don't mean to be rude, but it's ten. Shouldn't you be at home?' Mike's mother said to me.

'Mum. Don't be embarassing.' Mike whined.

Mrs Teavee sighed 'Sorry, Mike.'

'Come on, Bailee. You can stay as long as you want. I don't mind.'

'Your Mum's right. I should go home.' I got up.

'Fine, bye. See ya.' Mike waved.

'Bye, Mike. Bye, Mrs Teavee. Thanks for letting me stay.' I said, softly.

'Do you need a lift home? It's dark.' Mrs Teavee asked.

'No thanks. I'll be good.' I waved, leaving the house, with only my backpack, which had my lunch, a bit of money and some water in it.

I found shelter in nearby bush, that night, so that was where I slept.

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