14- Interviews

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'Here we are, kids. I want you to both remain very calm, whatever happens.' The woman said, as we reached the news station headquarters.

'Mm.' I nodded, and we entered. The building was warm, and there was long corridor, with many doors.

'The office is up here.' The woman lead us to a room, where a man sat a desk, talking to a lady . My mouth fell open. Miss Prince was the lady.

'Fine, you'll regret it!' Miss Prince turned away from the man, and proceeded to stomp away, gaping as she saw me. I quickly held up the golden ticket, and her eyes narrowed, but she said nothing, and walked off.

'Stupid woman wants us to do news reports on ridiculous matters. Why have you brought a bunch of kids here, Mary?' The man shook his head.

'Dave, they've found the golden tickets.'  The woman said, grinning.

'Really? And they're both from Denver? That's amazing!' The man jumped out of his seat.


'Mary, get everybody ready! Where do you both live?' The man asked us.

Mike gave the man his address, but I just stood there 'Sir, I don't have a house.'

'Oh,' The man said 'I guess you'll both have to be interviewed at his house. You both appear to be friends, anyway. What are your names?'

'Mike Teavee.'

'Bailee Baker.'

'Awesome! Two from Denver. Wow, I wasn't even expecting two from America.'


About an hour later, we were all hustled into Mike's house. Many interviewers, and camera men had come out of nowhere, crowded in the Teavee's house. Mr and Mrs Teavee were a bit shocked, but they had quickly had the situation explained to them. Mike didn't really want anything to do with it, so he just started playing on his console like usual, while I just sat there, feeling shy all over again.

'Two kids, Mike Teavee, and Bailee Baker, here in Denver, have each found a golden ticket. Amazing! How is this possible?'

'It was easy.' Mike said, concentrating on his game.

'Easy? You just brought a chocolate bar, and there it was?'

'No,' Mike rolled his eyes 'I used a computer to do all the work.'

'You mean to say... You cheated?'

'Not exactly,' He sighed 'All you had to do was track the manufacturing dates, offset by the weather and the derivative of the Nikkei Index. A retard could figure it out.'

I winced at the word, as Mr Teavee started to say 'Most of the time, I don't know what he's talking about. You know, kids these days, what with all the technology-'

'Die! Die! Die!' Interrupted Mike, playing his game.

'Doesn't seem like they stay kids very long.' Mr Teavee said.

Mike put down his controller 'In the end, I only had to buy two candy bars.'

'And how did they taste?' A interviewer asked.

'I don't know. I hate chocolate.' Mike said.

'And, here we are to the lovely Miss Bailee Baker. How do you feel all about this?' The interviewer walked closer to me.

'Happy, I guess.' I said, shyly.

'Do you think it was wrong of Mike to cheat?'

I looked at my feet, shrugging 'Not really.'

'There's a sad sad rumor that you don't have a home. Is that true?'

I shrugged, gloomily 'I-I guess.'

'That's so sad. At such a young age. Seven, right?'

'I'm eleven!' I said.

'How do you suppose you will pay for the air fares to Britain?'

I hadn't thought about it. I looked at the ground. I wouldn't be able to go. I had no money for plane tickets. Not even Mike could handle that.

'I-I can't. I won't be able to go.' I said, sadly.

'Well, now you will!' The interviewer looked away from me 'With the help of a nearby charity, we have a plane ticket for Miss Bailee Baker! Isn't that amazing?!'

My eyes widened. I was going, after all!

'Now, one more question, what is the relationship between you two children? Friends, enemies? Or, are you perhaps in a romantic relationships? Or, just friends? Or, friends with priorities, perhaps?' The interviewer winked.

'We're only eleven!' Mike, and I said in sync, raising our eyebrows.

'Well, I see. That's all on these two, for the night. Goodbye!' The interviewer said.

'Thank god.' I muttered under my breath.

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