2- A Spark Of Hope

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When the bell rang for break, I got up. However, in a rush, to get to the girls toilets (so I could escape from Julian Davies and his friends), I managed to crash into someone.

"I-I'm sorry." I looked up, seeing Mike.

"It's alright." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Thanks." I gave him a small smile, stepping past him and rushing away in a hurry.


When I got to the orphanage (I missed the bus again), all seven girls, Maria, Indigo, Elle, Dorris, Lucy, Wendy and Ruth, plus Miss Prince were crowded around the table.

"Bailee's here." Ruth said, rolling her eyes at me.

"Hi." I smiled weakly, trying to be cheerful.

"You ready to admit the truth, brat?" Maria said, glaring at me.

"I already have, okay?!" I snapped, feeling the anger rise in me "I didn't steal your hairbrush!"

"That's it!" Miss Prince jumped up "Follow me, you disgusting child."

She lead me upstairs, angrily and entered my small room. She ripped open my drawers, pulling my stuff out. She looked under my bed. She looked everywhere. No hairbrush. Yet she did find two photos. One of my father and one of my mother.

"I will have to confiscate these," Miss Prince said, snarling "Now, where have you put that hairbrush?!"

"I don't have it!" I said, protesting.

"Fine then. You can stay here in your room. A couple are coming to adopt one of the girls and I was hoping to get rid of you but now you can sit here in disgrace until they're gone." She stomped out, slamming the door and locking it.

"Great." I looked desperately around, trying to find my last and only other photo of my parents. One of them, standing by a waterfall, kissing.

And there it sat. On my windowsill. In plain sight. Miss Prince had not looked properly.

It was the first sign of hope in the darkness.

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