21- The Boat Ride

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As Mrs Gloop, and the Oompa Loompa walked off, Charlie quietly said 'Mr Wonka?'

'Huh?' Willy Wonka looked at him.

'Why would Augustus's name already be in the Oompa-Loompa song, unless-' He started.

'Improvisation is a parlour trick. Anyone can do it. You, little girl. Say something. Anything.' Wonka pointed to Violet.

'Chewing gum.'

'Chewing gum is really gross. Chewing gum I hate the most. See? Exactly the same.' Said Wonka, smiling.

'No, it isn't.' Mike said.

'Er, you really shouldn't mumble. Because I can't understand a word you're saying. Now, on with the tour.' Said Wonka, and we started to walk downwards, beside the river.

'I'm really worried about Augustus. Do you think he's alright? .' I asked Mike.

Mike shrugged, speaking in a bitter tone, not even looking at me 'I don't know, and I don't care.'

I bit my lip, feeling hurt, so I backed off, walking behind him. Maybe, he had realised what a hopeless loser I was, and didn't want to be my friend anymore. I sighed. I'd talk to him later.

We stopped by the river, as a pink boat, shaped like a dragon pulled up, filled with Oompa Loompas. I think it was a gummy boat. The Oompa Loompas then started to giggle at something.

'What's so funny?' Violet asked.

'I think it's from all those doggone cocoa beans. Hey, by the way, did you guys know that chocolate contains a property that triggers the
release of endorphins? Gives one the feeling of being in love.' Wonka said.

'You don't say.' Mrs Beauregarde batted her eyelashes. I gagged. Flirting was gross. Especially, adult flirting.

Willy Wonka had a surprised look on his face, and all he said was 'All aboard.'

We boarded the back of the boat. I sat in the third row, beside Mike, and Mr Teavee. I noticed however there was no seat for Augustus, and Mrs Gloop.

'Onward!' Willy Wonka said, and the boat started to head down the river.

'Mr Wonka?' I asked, quietly, turning around to look at him. He was sitting beside Charlie, and his grandfather.

'Hm?' He looked at me.

'Why is there no seat for Augustus, and his mother?' I asked, curiously.

'Sorry, I can't hear. Please do speak up next time. It's hard to hear you from down there.' He shrugged. I bit my lip, the slightest bit annoyed. He could obviously hear me.

I just sighed, turning to the front. Mike didn't even talk to me. He was just glaring at the air, looking angry for some reason or another.

'The waterfall is most important. Mixes the chocolate, churns it up, makes it light and frothy. Oh, by the way, no other factory in the world-' Willy Wonka was cut off.

'You already said that.' Veruca rudely interrupted. Wonka's hand, which was in midair, tightened.

'You're all quite short, aren't you?' Wonka gave us all a sly smile.

'No, we're not.' I said, quietly. I was already sick of him, making comments about my height, although he had only done it once or twice.

'Ha, that's funny,' He chuckled 'Because, you seem to be the smallest.'

'I'm a kid.' I said, softly, crossing my arms.

'Well, that's no excuse. I was never as short as you.' Willy Wonka said.

'You were once.' Mike rolled his eyes. I gave him a small smile, and he returned my smile, causing my heart to skip a beat. Maybe, we were still friends.

'Was not. Know why? Because I distinctly remember putting a hat on top of my head. Look at your short, little arms. You could never reach.' Willy Wonka said, a small smile on his face. I looked at my arms. They were small, but I was sure I could reach a hat.

'Do you even remember what it was like being a kid?' Charlie asked.

'Oh, boy, do I. Do I?' And then Mr Wonka fell silent, as the boat continued on.

Next thing, I knew, we were heading towards a tunnel, but Wonka still stayed quiet. Everybody started to panic.

'Mr Wonka? Mr Wonka? We're headed for a tunnel!' Charlie was yelling.

'Oh yeah. Full speed ahead.' Wonka said, and we headed into the tunnel, that was pitch black. I could only hear the sound of the chocolate river, and the deep breathing of Mike beside me.

'How can they see where they're going?' I heard Violet say.

'They can't. There's no knowing where they're going. Switch on the lights!' Willy Wonka announced. The lights turned on, and we were starting to head down a slope. The boat then suddenly tumbled down the slope. Like a roller coaster. I grinned, feeling the butterflies in my stomach, as I clutched onto the seat. It was a amazing feeling, feeling the wind rush through my hair. Mike, beside me, didn't seem to happy, as he was gritting his teeth, trying not to yell.

The boat came to a halt, and the chocolate river was flat again. The tunnel had some entrances on the walls, with signs saying things such "Coffee Cream", "Clotted Cream" and... "Hair Cream". I raised my eyebrows, smiling a bit.

'What do you use hair cream for?' Mrs Beauregarde asked, giving Wonka a flirty smile.

'To lock in moisture.' He chuckled, playing with his hair. We then passed a room, with its door opened. The room was white, and some Oompa Loompa's were whipping a cow inside.

'Whipped cream.' Charlie said.

'Precisely.' Willy Wonka said.

'That doesn't make sense.' Complained Veruca.

'For your information, little girl... Whipped cream isn't whipped cream at all, unless it's been whipped with whips. Everybody knows that.' Wonka said. The boat took off, down another slope, even faster this time. I enjoyed it, even more, but Mike, beside me, looked sick. Suddenly, the boat spun around in a circle, causing me to feel a bit dizzy, my flower crown blowing off my head, in the wind.

Mike quickly caught it, before it blew off forever, and the boat stopped.

'Here, you go.' He placed it back on my head, my heart beating fast, as he did so.

'Thank you.' I gave him a shy smile. I knew then, that we were still friends.

'Stop the boat. I wanna show you guys something.' Wonka said, and the boat stopped outside a room, called the "Inventing Room"...

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