9- The Announcement

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'You are on!' I smirked, clutching my controller, bashing the buttons 'Prepare to lose!'

'Dream on,' Mike snickered 'Oh look, you died.'

I pouted. Mike laughed, putting his controller down. I was having a pretty good time at his house today. We were talking more than usual, and I felt more outgoing than usual. I had somehow gained confidence in just a few hours.

'Na-ah. The first one to die was the winner.' I said.

'I never said that was the rule!' He complained.

'But you never said it wasn't the rule! So I win!' I threw my hands up into the air.

'Cheater.' Mike said.

'Bad sport.' I teased.

'Hey! I'm better at video games than you are!'

'Ah, that may be the case, but I'm better at everything else!' I gave him a small playful smile.

'You are not! I'm better at Maths, Sports, Science, Computers, English, basically everything.' He crossed his arms, smugly.

'You are not.' I laughed a little.

He jokingly widened his eyes, pointing at me 'You laughed! I made you laugh!'

'I never laugh!' I bit my lip, to stop laughing.

'But you did just then! Aha, I'm even better at making you laugh!' He jumped up, in a cheer. I stuck my tongue out.

'Hey, Bailee?' Mike asked, suddenly.


'Who do you live with?' He sat down.

I looked at him. I couldn't lie. I just couldn't. I just felt unable to lie.

'I have no home.' The words blurted out of my mouth.

'What?' His head shot up 'Why? When? How?'

'I-I ran away from the orphanage,' I sighed 'My caretaker was abusive.'

'Oh, I'm sorry.'

'It's fine. Not your fault.' I shrugged.

'You could live-'

I knew what he was about to say 'No, I don't want to be a burden. Anyway, your parents wouldn't allow it.'

'Oh.' He sighed.

'I'm fine. I'm doing well at the moment... How about we go back to playing video games?' I asked.


When it was nine, I left the house, feeling pretty happy. I had never felt so happy before.

I set up my bedding under the bridge. I then curled up in a ball, smiling to myself. I didn't care that I was cold, that I was hungry, that I was thirsty. I had a friend.

'Goodnight.' I said to no one in particular, as I looked up at the stars. Life seemed to be okay for once.


When, I arrived at class, that morning, everything was chaotic. Students were chattering, eagerly. The teacher didn't even appear to care. He was just on his laptop. Mike was in this class, so I sat down beside him.

'I've got the solution.' Mike said.

'The solution to what?' I asked, confused.

'I know how to find the golden ticket. Duh. Don't tell anyone though.'

'What golden ticket?!' I asked, getting even more confused.

'Haven't you heard?'

'Heard what?'

'Oh, you don't have a TV. Sorry. You know who Willy Wonka is, right?'

'The mysterious man who owns the chocolate factory?' I said.

'Yup. He's allowing six kids to go into his factory.'

My mouth dropped open. No one had entered that factory for years.

'Really? That's cool! Which six kids?' I asked.

'No one knows yet. There's been six golden tickets sent out, in separate chocolate bars. Whoever finds one gets to go.'

'That would be amazing. I would love to go, but the chances are slim, aren't they?' My eyes were wide as saucers by then.

He smirked 'I'm onto it.'

'Mike?' I asked, suspiciously.

'I won't be able to spend much time with you, for a few days, but I promise you it'll be worth it.'

With that, he pulled out his laptop, and started to type something.

Video Games • Mike TeaveeWhere stories live. Discover now