28- Reunited

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As soon as Willy Wonka had dealt with his father, we left, hopping back into the elevator.

'You were right.' Wonka said to Charle.

'I know... There's one more thing you can do though, and I think you know what it is.' Charlie said.

Wonka sighed 'Mike?'

Charlie nodded.

'You want me to bring him to the factory, too? Even though, he doesn't even like chocolate.'

'Yes, he won the prize, too.' Charlie said.

'Please, Mr Wonka. I miss him.' I said, sadly.

'But, he lives all the way in America.' Protested Wonka.

'If you don't, I'm not coming to the factory.' Charlie warned.

Wonka sighed 'Fine.'


About twenty minutes later, the elevator arrived in Denver.

'Where does he live?' Wonka asked me.

'Erm... There!' I recognised his house.

'Okay.' Wonka directed the elevator towards Mike's house.

'Don't wreck the roof this time. His parents won't be happy.' I said.

'Okey dokey.' The elevator landed on the snow outside. I nervously stepped out. I'd finally see him again. Would he be mad?

'Be quick. Bring him, and his parents, or whoever he wants. But, just be quick.' Wonka said.

'I'm coming.' Charlie said to me. We both ran up to Mike's door, knocking.

'Yeah? Who is it?' Someone opened the door, the tiniest bit. That someone sounded very annoyed.

'It's Bailee.' I murmured. The door opened more. Mike was standing there. Charlie gave a little wave, and went back to the elevator, awkwardly

'Mike.' I quickly hugged him. It actually wasn't awkward, for once.

'Bailee!' He said.

'You're still w-warm.' I mumbled.

'Why are you here? I thought you-'

'You can come, now. You can bring your family. Whoever. But, Wonka said quick.'

'I'll be back for them, later.' Mike stepped outside, closing the door.

'Mike! That's bad.' I protested.

He shrugged 'They'll understand.'

'Okay,' I sighed, giving him a another hug 'I'm sorry I left you. I'm so sorry-'

'It's fine. You're back, now.'

'I missed you.' I mumbled, burying my face into him.

'You said you would.' He pointed out.

'Are you alright? You seem-' I pulled back.

'Distant? Yeah, you left me, for something ridiculous, of course, I seem distant.' He snapped.


'What?' He crossed his arms.

'What happened to your eye?' His eye was black. How hadn't I noticed before?

'Nothing.' He muttered.

'What happened?'

'I got into a fight.' He sighed.


'I was protecting you.' He protested.

I pouted 'You didn't have to-'

'Could you guys hurry up?' Mr Wonka called from the elevator.

'Lets go.' I pulled Mike into the elevator.

And, alas, we were reunited.

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