20- The Demise Of Augustus

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'He'll drown! He can't swim! Save him! Augustus!' Mrs Gloop was crying, but Mr Wonka was watching one of the pipe machines, which was hovering above the area Augustus was in. I watched as Augustus tried to swim, his head slipping under many times. I needed to help. I didn't care that he was rude. I couldn't bear to see someone get hurt. I looked around for something to help. If I grabbed one of the oversized candy canes, and held it out, then-

'No! Augustus! Augustus! Watch out!' My thoughts were interrupted by Mrs Gloop. It was too late. One of the pipes had landed on the water, causing a whirlpool, which Augustus was being sucked into.

'There he goes.' Violet smirked, slightly, as Augustus was sucked up the pipe. He started to shoot up, at a medium speed. I gritted my teeth. That was horrible. As a claustrophobic person, the thought of being stuck in a tight pipe, scared me.

'Call the fire brigade!' Mrs Gloop cried.

'It's a wonder how that pipe is big enough.' Mrs Beauregard said.

'It isn't big enough. He's slowing down.' Charlie said, as Augustus stopped midway in the pipe.

'He's gonna stick.' Mike said. I whimpered, closing my eyes. I hated tight spaces. Absolutely hated them.

'I think he has.' Mr Teavee said.

'He's blocked the whole pipe.' Veruca's father said.

'Look. The Oompa Loompas.' Charlie said. Someone, who I was guessing was Mike, nudged me, and I opened one eye. The Oompa Loompa's were all running up to one spot.

'What are they doing?' Veruca asked.

'Why, I believe they're going to treat us to a little song. It is quite a special occasion of course. They haven't had a fresh audience in many a moon.' Wonka smiled.

Next thing, I knew, the Oompa Loompa's were singing, and dancing around, moving around everywhere. I watched them, curiously.

'Augustus Gloop, Augustus Gloop, The great big, greedy nincompoop, Augustus Gloop, so big and vile, So greedy, foul and infantile. "Come on!" We cried "The time is ripe, to send him shooting up the pipe!".' They sang. I couldn't help, but agree with the song. However, I was worrying about the fact he might be seriously hurt. He could drown in chocolate, or the pipe could break, or he might even be shipped off to somewhere they made chocolate, and turned into chocolate.

As if the Oompa Loompa's were reading my mind, they then sung 'But don't, dear children, be alarmed, Augustus Gloop will not be harmed, Augustus Gloop will not
be harmed. '

'Although, of course, we must admit, he will be altered quite a bit. Slowly wheels go round and round, and cogs begin to grind and pound, This greedy brute, this louse's ear is loved by people everywhere, For who could hate or bear a grudge, against a luscious bit if fudge?' They finished singing, and I grimaced. Were they implying he'd be turned into fudge? Gruesome. Just as they stopped singing, Augustus got sucked up the rest of the pipe, and was pulled into the machine, the chocolate covering him up, as the machine flew away.

'Bravo! Well done! Aren't they delightful? Aren't they charming?' Willy Wonka clapped, beaming.

'I do say, that all seemed rather rehearsed.' Mr Salt said.

'Like they knew it was gonna happen.' Mike muttered.

'Oh, poppycock.' Wonka said.

'Where is my son? Where does that pipe go to?' Augustus's mother demanded.

'That pipe, it just so happens to lead directly to the room, where I make the most delicious kind of strawberry flavoured, chocolate coated fudge.' Willy Wonka said.

'Then he will be made into strawberry flavoured, chocolate-coated fudge. They'll be selling him by the pound all over the world!' Mrs Gloop cried.

'No. I wouldn't allow it. The taste would be terrible. Can you imagine Augustus-flavoured, chocolate coated Gloop? Ew,' Wonka said, in a sassy tone 'No one would buy it.'

Mr Wonka started to make strange noises with his tongue, and suddenly, one of the Oompa Loompa's marched up. They were much smaller, close up. They were probably a bit more than half my size, and I was considered small, so that made them very small.

'I want you to take Mrs Gloop up to the fudge room, okay? Help her find her son. Take a long stick and start poking around in the big chocolate-mixing
barrel, okay?' Said Wonka. The Oompa Loompa nodded, putting his hands on its chest. Wonka did the same, fondly looking at the Oompa Loompa, as it dragged Mrs Gloop off.

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