3- Soft Side

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That night, Miss Prince called me down a few hours later. The girls were there, except for Wendy, who I guess had been adopted. A fire was burning in the fireplace.

"Sorry, I was wrong. I misplaced the brush." Maria glared at me

"See?" I felt quite angry, but I knew to keep my temper under control "Could I have my photos back?"

"Too late," Miss Prince said, pointing at the fire "They're long gone."

"N-no." I started to cry. Some of the last few signs of my parents...Gone. I had only had one photo left.

"Don't be such a baby." Elle rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to bed!" I said, walking upstairs, tears in my eyes.


The next morning, I woke up early, much more early than everybody else. I headed down to the fireplace, rummaging through the ashes. No traces of the photos were left. Just ashes.

I managed to get ready before anybody woke up so I decided I would walk to school, since it was so early.

Once I arrived at school, I was early so I sat there on a bench, until other students arrived.

Soon class began and I sat at the back of the classroom, in my usual spot. Of course, no one sat beside me. Mike Teavee sat in front of me like always. So it was just an average day. The only thing that was not average was the fact Mike wasn't on his phone.

"Who can work out this question?" The teacher asked, writing a complicated maths question of the blackboard. My hand shot up along with two others. Julian Davies and Mike Teavee.

"Julian?" The teacher asked, his eyebrows raised. Julian was normally unable to answer questions.

"Your mum!" Julian pulled a face, grinning, causing a few laughs.

"Attention seeker." I said, rolling my eyes.

"What did you say?'" Julian turned to me.

"You heard me."

"Why don't you just-"

'Both of you, quiet. Julian, if that was the correct answer, I would be very concerned. Stop being so cheeky. Mike, do you know the answer?"

Mike nodded, answering the question. He was correct.

The bell soon rang, and I headed out to break, sitting on a bench, by myself. I was just looking at the photo of my parents.

"What's that?" Julian appeared out of nowhere, snatching the picture out of my hands.

"Hey, give that back! It's important!" I jumped up.

"Aww, really?" He held it out of my reach. I jumped up and down, attempting to grab it.

"Please give it back! It's my parents!"

"Nah, I don't think I will... Unless... Go out with me?" Julian laughed.

"No!" I said, disgusted.

"Well then." Julian said, angrily, ripping the picture to shreds. He threw it in the dirt and stomped on it.

"No!" I yelled. My last picture. Gone.

"Haha." He snickered, walking off.

"No, no, no, no, no, no." I cried, kneeling down, desperately trying to pick the pieces up.

"Need help?" A voice asked. I looked up. Mike.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised "Have you forgot your nintendo or something today?"

"Geez, just wanted to help." He said in protest.

"Sorry." I wiped my eyes, sniffling.

"It's okay." He grunted, bending down beside me.

I sighed "I hate Julian Davies."

Mike nodded, looking at me. I couldn't return his gaze though. I was too shy.

"The picture's ruined." I bit my lip, trembling, as a gust of wind blew some of the pieces away.

"What picture?" He asked.

"The one of my dead parents." I held back tears.

"Oh... I'm sorry." He said, quietly.

"It's okay. It's not your fault." I said as we both got up.

He gave me a small smile, and tried to change the subject "You catch the bus?"

"Yeah." I said.

"I don't see you there often."

I shrugged "I normally miss it. Or there's not enough room for me."

"I'd save you a seat, if you'd like." He offered.

"That would be... Great." I was surprised by this act of kindness.

"Awesome." He said, just as the bell rang. He gave me a small wave, running off to his next class.

"Wow, who knew Mike Teavee had a soft side?" I said, still a bit tearful yet glad that someone had actually helped me.

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