7- Trouble

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I was very early for school, that day. So I just sat there, for about two hours. Then, I headed to my classroom, sitting at the back by myself. When Mike arrived, he sat next to me.

'Hey.' We said in sync, making Mike chuckle.

'You looked tired.' Mike said.

'I am.' I rested my head on my desk, my eyes drooping.

'You look terrible today.' Julian said in front of me.

'Okay.' I honestly didn't care. I was so tired. My eyes were already closed.

'Get some sleep. I'll wake you up if the teacher...' Mike's voice was cut off, as I fell asleep.


'Bailee! Bailee!' Someone was shaking me.

'Miss Prince!' I yelped, jumping up, frightened 'Don't hurt-'

'Bailee. It's alright.' It was just Mike. I let out a deep breath.

'Miss Baker, are you alright? You look pale. Do you need to go to the sick bay?' The teacher asked.

'I'll be... Fine.' I sighed.

'Well, do try to stay awake.' The teacher went back to teaching.


I spent most of the day, sleeping in class. When the time came for the end of school, I was nervous. I had to now face Miss Prince.

'Want to come play video games?' Mike asked, as we got on the bus.

'I can't. I have to do some family stuff tonight.' I lied.

'You sure?' Mike asked.

'Well... Why not?' I shrugged. I was risking a lot now. I would be in big trouble. But, who cared? I was honestly so sleep-deprived, I wasn't thinking straight.

I spent most of the bus ride, sleeping. When I woke up, the bus had just stopped at Mike's house. The two of us got off, heading indoors.

'M-Mike?' I asked, as we sat down, in his living room.


'Why- never mind.' I said.


'I'm sure.' I said, knowing what he was about to say.

'Okay, then.' He turned on the console. I tried to play, but in the end, I ended up falling asleep.


'Bailee!' Someone was calling my name.

'Miss Baker!' Someone else.

'Huh?' I shot up. Mike, his mother, and a man, who I was assuming was his father were crouched around me.

'You were asleep for about nine hours. It's twelve.' His mother said.

I rubbed my eyes, jumping up, feeling embarassed 'God, I'm so sorry! Mrs Teavee, Mr Teavee! I'm so so sorry! Oh crud, I've got to go. I'm in big trouble! Nine hours? Are you kidding me? Why-'

'Calm down,' Mrs Teavee said 'Take a deep breath. We didn't want to wake you. You looked so tired. You wouldn't wake up anyway.'

'Oh. I'm so sorry!' I said, picking up my backpack 'Thank you for having me! I'm sorry! I've got to go! See you on Monday, Mike!'

I ran out, feeling completely embarrassed.


'Where have you been?' Miss Prince was waiting for me, blocking the staircase.

'Nowhere.' I tried to get past her, but she pushed me back. I yelped.

'Bailee...' She growled. I went to leave through the door. Anywhere was better than here.

She quickly ran over, locking it. I took that chance, to run up the staircase, to my room, where I could lock the door.

'Bailee Baker! Come back-' Her voice was cut off, as I slammed my bedroom door shut. I quickly locked it from the inside.

She banged on the door, multiple times, yelling things like 'Let me in!', 'Oh, you're in for it!' And 'I'm going to kill you!'. Eventually, this stopped, and I guess she went away.

I quickly grabbed my backpack, shoving my clothes into it, along with my pillow and the rug I slept with. That was basically all I owned.

I headed downstairs. No one was down there. Luckily. The front door was unlocked, so I started to head out, when I caught sight of a packet ofbread on the table.

I decided to take a chance, and grabbed the packet, when someone yelled 'Aha! I knew it!'

I turned around. Miss Prince was there, holding a fire poker. I winced, as she twirled it around. That would hurt, if she hit me with it.

'I knew it! I knew it!' She was declaring 'You greedy child! Of course, you'd take the bread!'

I headed towards the door 'Goodbye, Miss Prince. I'm leaving. Forever.'

'Yeah sure,' She said, sarcasm dripping off her words 'You'll be back.'

'No, I won't!' I said, on the verge of tears.

'Yes, you will. You have no family, no friends. No one to help you.' She said, coldly.

'I'll stay with Mike if I have to!' I yelled.

'Who's Mike? Your Prince Charming? Aren't you a bit too young? You're only about six, aren't you?' She chuckled.

'No, I'm eleven!' I opened the door a bit, ready to bolt. I had to face my fear though.

'Oh well, you certainly seem six, with your size. And your immature attitude at the moment! Go ahead. Run away to your prince charming.' She snapped.

'He's not my Prince Charming! Even if he was, you know what that'd make you?!' I took a step backwards, outside 'The ugly stepmother!'

I quickly darted out, braving the cold, and running away. It was snowing by now.

I was certainly in trouble.

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