16- Bullies

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'Here she is.' Maria said, as we entered the orphanage. I spotted Miss Prince cooking something on a pan.

'Bailee, are you alright?' Ruth, and Lucy rushed over. I nodded, shyly. Maybe, I would be given a proper home this time.

'Here's some food. Eat up.' Miss Prince set a plate in front of me. I was half-scared that she had poisoned it, so I just let it sit in front of me.

'So, dear, I've heard you got a golden ticket. How wonderful.' Miss Prince gave me a smile.

'Yes.' I nodded.

'Would you show it to me?' She asked. I took it out of my pocket, holding it tightly in case someone tried to take it off me.

'Woah.' I heard one of the girls say.

'Now, could I have a look?' Miss Prince said, slyly. I held it away from her.


'What?!' Miss Prince stood up.

'You obviously just want it, and once you get it, you're going to go back to treating me like crap, so no!' I said, also standing up.

'Goodbye!' I said, and I started to leave.

'You can't leave! I'm your legal guardian!'

'Too bad! You're not a very good one!'

I went out into the snow, and ran as hard as I could.


I spent another sleepless night in the bushes, and then headed to school, looking at my ticket. I would go to the chocolate factory in exactly one week.

'Nice ticket, Baker.' Ryan Horner.

'Leave me alone!' I snapped. Julian, Ryan, and their two friends, Tyler, and Gavin were standing behind me.

'Wow, she actually does have it.' Gavin said, looking at Tyler.

'Back off, Gavin. It's ours.' Julian said, motioning to Ryan, and himself.

'Even if I did give it to you, you b-both couldn't have it.' I stuttered.

'Yes, but doesn't someone else from here have one? Wasn't it Wayne Jackson? No, no, it was Mike Teavee.' Ryan corrected himself.

'No, it was Wayne Jackson.' I lied.

'Damn it! Where is Wayne? That little punk, he said he wasn't interested in the ticket. I'm going to smash his head in! That ticket is mine!' Julian said.

I grimaced. That didn't sound too pleasant. And I didn't really that happen to anyone, especially Mike.

'You idiot!' Ryan stopped Julian 'Mike does have that ticket!'

'Where is he?!' Said Julian, looking around 'I want that ticket!'

'The whole world doesn't revolve around you, you know?' I said, quietly. I quickly covered my mouth after I said it. I was in for it.

'What did you-'

'Look, calm down, Julian. Bailee, I've got a deal. You give me that ticket, I won't harm Mike.' Ryan said.

'What about me? I NEED that ticket!' Julian said.

'Who cares?' Ryan snapped 'Go get it off Mike, if you want!'

'Fine I will.' Julian said, swinging his fists, and starting to walk off.

'Don't touch him.' I stood in front of Julian.

'Move. I'll do whatever I want.' Julian said.

'I-I'll fight you.' I put my fists out.

'No, no, no. Let's settle this in a civil manner. Bailee, give us your ticket, and get Mike to give us his ticket, no one gets hurt,' Ryan stepped in the middle of us 'Don't give us the tickets, well, you don't-'

'No. I'm not giving you my ticket.' I said, trembling. I was already dead.

'Well then...' Julian said, snatching the ticket out of my hands.

'No!' I said 'Give it back! Please!'

Julian held it way out of my reach. I jumped up, and down several times, trying to grab it.

'Give it back!' I pleaded.

'Where's Mike?' Tyler asked.

'I don't know!' I said 'Get Julian to give it back!'

'It's sort of funny.' Tyler laughed.

'No, it's not.' I gritted my teeth, trying to jump even higher.

'Bailee!' Mike was a few meters away. I turned around, giving him a quick wave, and then went back to trying to grab the ticket.

'Please just give it back!' I whimpered.

Next thing I knew, Mike had grabbed the ticket, and was passing it to me.

'Thank you.' I mumbled, looking at Julian, who was glaring at Mike.

'Where's your ticket, Teavee?' Gavin asked.

'At home. Goodbye.' Mike said, grabbing my hand, and pulling me away. Once, the four bullies were out of sight, he awkwardly let go off my hand.

'Thanks, Mike. You're amazing.' I quickly hugged him.

'It doesn't matter. I hate them. So much. Honestly.'

I gave him a sad smile 'I'm used to it.'

'How long?!'

'Ages,' I shrugged 'Don't get angry over it. It's not worth it.'


'Yes, I'm sure. At least, we get to escape for a week or so, in a few days. Fly over to England.' I shrugged, grinning.

'Yeah, I guess.' He muttered.

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