zero. beacon hills ✔️

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zero. beacon hills

Faye Smith never thought of moving all of a sudden, leaving their lovely house and moving to a place called Beacon Hills without having any idea where that is.

It was planned, of course but Faye didn't know that. . . yet.

They had to move not because of her mother's job, no. It was because Emily, Faye's mother, was capable to see and notice that the famous pack in Beacon Hills needs help.

The savior, it had to be her own daughter. She knows what she is capable of.

For now, Faye might look as one of those people who are oblivious to the world, blinded by the normal things that they see around them and haven't seen beyond that line. But once her actual self represents itself, things would be a lot easier for the McCall pack.

All they need is her but are they aware of that?

first chapter for this story!


LIMERENCE ∙ SCOTT MCCALL [1]Where stories live. Discover now