nine. helpless ✔️

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nine. helpless

Faye leaned against her locker, watching as some people walked along the hallway, talking about rumors and issues that she couldn't dare to listen to. Her back pressed against the locker while she waited for the bell to ring. She didn't want to be early in the class– no, in fact, she stayed here with her blue eyes following everyone's movements.

Scott tried telling her to come with him, to talk to Erica considering that Faye once saved her life and thought that maybe she could knock some sense into that girl but she refused, not wanting to deal with the chick as of the moment. It felt like Erica turned on a switch which made her personality change in just a snap. The girl who was once shy turned into a very confident woman who seems to catch the attention of every guy in this school.

They've been trying to figure out who will be Derek's next victim, feeding them a little lie or two and just brag about the power you will be receiving. Faye understands what Scott is feeling, he didn't want this kind of life, turned against his own will. They're almost on the same page, both a part of the supernatural world even though they didn't want this. They wanted a simple and normal life, not a crazy and hectic one.

Finally, the bell rang and Faye pushed herself off of her locker and began walking to her class.

♚ ♚ ♚

Faye did a lot of thinking while making her way to the cafeteria. She thought about her life– about her abilities. It seems like her life took an unexpected turn.

She let out a sigh, biting her lower lip as she got inside the cafeteria. She didn't feel like buying food today that's why she quickly made her way to Scott who was sitting on their table already. It surprised her when she saw Allison sitting behind Scott, their back to each other.

She approached Scott and was about to take a seat but Allison stood up, leaving Scott. Her eyebrow raised as she looked at Scott. "What was that about?" She asked, sitting across from Scott.

"The whole Derek thing." He admitted, looking at the table as a soft sigh left his lips.

Faye frowned, not liking to see Scott like that at the moment. He has a lot of things placed on his shoulders and he always wants to help everyone around him. It was sweet of him to do so, Faye thought but sometimes she thinks that he should look out for himself also.

"Guys, do you see that?" Stiles said, sitting beside Scott as he points at an empty table near by.

"What? It's an empty table." Scott answered like it was an obvious thing in the world.

Stiles rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but whose empty table?"

Faye thought about it but it seems like Scott figured it out by himself, "Boyd."

♚ ♚ ♚

"I'm going to go to the ice rink, see if he's there. And if he's not at home, you call me, got it?" Scott said as they walked along the hallway but they stopped when Stiles abruptly stopped walking.

"Maybe we should let him. Boyd, you know, man? You said Derek's giving them a choice, right?" The buzz cut boy said, shrugging.

Scott shook his head as he continued to walk, "We can't."

"Then, I'll come with you, Scott." Faye said, interrupting their conversation.

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