fifteen. gay club ✔️

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fifteen. gay club

Faye, Stiles and Scott were in the jeep, trying to look for the kanima until Stiles had to stop, eyeing the wire fence in front of them.

"What do we do now?" Stiles asked his best friend but it was too late, Scott was already out of the jeep and already on the other side of the wire fence.

Faye's eyes widened, about to go out of the jeep but Stiles was already giving her a look. "Don't even think about it."

"I have to help him, Stiles!" Faye exclaimed but Stiles shook his head.

"And shout your undying love for him? Yeah, no." Stiles said, getting out of the jeep, as well as Faye.

She narrowed her eyes at Stiles, crossing her arms over her chest. "We need to help him." She told him, watching as Scott disappeared into the night. She turned to Stiles, waiting for his response but he simply chewed on his bottom lip.

"Okay but how do we go over that fence?" He asked, raising his eyebrow as he stared at her.

Faye smiled innocently, "We climb." She suggested.

After arguing for a solid ten minutes, Stiles let out a huff, raising his hands up. "Fine, fine. I'll do it." This time, Faye grinned. She nodded and backed away from the wire fence to give Stiles some space.

She stood beside the jeep, pressing her side against its side and crossed her arms over her chest as the Stilinski boy started climbing through the wire fence. Faye watched in amusement as Stiles began breathing heavily even though he just started. "Oh my– Tell me, am I almost at the top?" Stiles asked Faye nervously, afraid to look down.

Faye raised her eyebrow, watching Stiles who's still close to the ground. She let out a snort, "Yeah, you're almost there." She lied, trying to motivate him in continuing all the way up.

"Faye, help me!" Stiles said desperately, almost begging as he continues holding onto the fence, afraid that he might fall.

Faye bit back a laugh before pushing herself off of the jeep. Stiles began to panic, thinking that she already left him considering that he couldn't see her. His whole body jumped while still holding onto the wire fence as he felt Faye wrapping her arms around Stiles' torso, getting him off of the fence and back on the ground. "You were close to the ground, Stiles." She stated the obvious.

"I don't care. I might fall and hit my head then bleed to death." He reasoned but Faye thought that he was only exaggerating it. "Hey, wait. Is that Scott?" Stiles said, squinting his eyes to see the person clearly while Faye's eyes widened. It was indeed Scott, his back pressed against the side of the building.

The pair looked at each other before rushing over to him. Just in time, Scott turned his head to the side and slightly jumped at the sight of his two friends. "Holy cr–"

"Wha– sorry, I'm sorry. Did you see where he went?" Stiles asked, referring to Jackson as the three of them stayed at the side of the building.

Scott shook his head, "I lost him." A frown etched on his face. Disappointed that he had lost sight of the Whittemore boy.

"What? You couldn't catch his scent?" Stiles asked and Scott shook his head.

He glanced at Faye then at Stiles. "I don't think he has one." He informed him.

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