twenty two. bitten ✔️

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twenty two. bitten

Faye Smith is one stubborn girl. After having the vision of Peter Hale going back to life, she was determined to go to him but her friends wouldn't let her especially Scott McCall.

"He's dangerous." He said, eyes focused on her only. "Faye, please. Just this once, listen to me." He begged while Allison and Stiles watched intently.

"I have to help him, Scott. I also have to help Lydia." With that being said, she ran away to possibly get to the Hale's house.

Scott let out a curse under his breath, debating whether he should run after her or not but he knew that he should be dealing with the Kanima at the moment, also Matt. So, he had to force himself in watching her walk away from them– from him.

At the time she arrived inside the Hale's house, she stopped dead in her tracks as soon as she found Derek lying on the floor, unconscious and a very happy yet scary Peter Hale.

She let out a soft gasp, taking a step backwards. This has caught Peter's attention, a smirk appearing on his face when he took note of the eye color of her eyes. "Ah, an Aderes." He said, brushing the dust out of his shirt before taking a step forward to Faye.

Her heart was beating rapidly as Peter took a couple of more steps closer to her. "Faye Smith, am I right?"

"How do you know my name?" She choked out.

Peter gave her a small smirk, taking yet another step closer to her that made Faye uncomfortable. "Let's just say that I've met your family." He told her. "I know everything about your kind, Faye." His voice was becoming louder, eyes shining the brightest blue. "And I know how to make you more powerful." He growled out but before he could make any move to hurt Faye, Derek managed to wake up. The Hale sat up and saw his uncle with Faye Smith.

"Ah, just in time, Derek." Peter said, approaching Faye then pulling her with him, his hands wrapped around Faye for her to stay put and unable to escape. "Do what I will tell you or I'll kill her." He said.

By this time, Faye was already panicking. Her eyes widened as her heart beat rapidly against her chest. She was scared as well, knowing that Peter can do anything just to get what he wants.

Derek stood on his feet and took a deep breath, feeling that he was not as strong as before. "What do you want me to do?" He asked Peter, knowing that his Uncle wouldn't stop just to get what he wants.

Peter let out a chuckle, his hand grabbing at Faye's hair before forcing her head to the side to expose her neck. "I want you to turn her into one of us." He ordered, his eyes flickered over to the Alpha.

"No, no–" Faye whimpered, her eyes clouding with tears that were about to fall at any moment now. "Please don't."

"I can't do that." Derek said.

"Ah, then I will have to kill her." Peter decided, changing into his wolf form and letting out a growl. "You out of all the people here in this town know that I can do this without any hint of regret."

Derek watched in horror as Faye tried not to move when Peter placed his claws at her neck, ready to kill her. "Do it, Derek or you'll be responsible for this girl's death." He said, bringing the side of her shirt up to expose the skin wherein Derek will leave a mark on.

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