two. the annoying boy ✔️

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two. the annoying boy

Faye didn't think that this day would be hard for her considering that after the little tour that the McCall boy did, he left in an instant but not before inviting her with him at lunch, an act of kindness of course.

But still, he left the new girl on her own when the first bell rang indicating everyone that they should go to their classes.

She felt herself panicking as students walked pass her in a rush, some even bumping into her without even muttering an apology to the new girl.

This is one of her fears– being alone and having no idea where to ask for help considering the fact that every student here decides to ignore her pleads of help.

"Excuse me– oh, yeah. Thanks for ignoring me." Faye let out, groaning in frustration as no one dared to help her.

Her light blue eyes scanned the almost empty hallway, grunting when she's getting impatient.

It was rather frustrating when nobody decided to help her, the new girl. She began thinking that the people in Beacon Hills can be a bit cruel for not helping a new student out, hell they even ignored her when she approached them.

"Great, I think I'm gonna skip first class– and probably second class then." Faye muttered, letting out a soft sigh.

She tucked a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear, crossing her arms over her chest afterwards.

She looked absolutely helpless, lost even. She didn't want to look like that. It would easily make her the punching bag of jerks.

Suddenly, Jackson Whittemore appeared to be walking along the hallway, not bothering to attend the first class in his schedule. He didn't feel like himself lately, and it was scaring him.

He usually feels confident and he should be over that line once he received that bite from Derek Hale but no, he feels weird and that is what's scaring him.

"Hey, you!" Faye said in such a loud voice, surprising herself and Jackson as well. "I– I remember you!" Faye tried saying in such a calm voice but failed.

Jackson, however, looked confused. He had no idea who's trying to get his attention nor did he care what that girl wants. All he cares about is heading to the field to possibly test his strength.

So, he ignored the crazy blonde girl by attempting to continue his walk towards his destination but Faye wasn't having it.

"Jerry? Jeremy?" She tried remembering his name but it was hard when Scott only mentioned him once or twice in front of her. "John?"

Jackson stopped, his back facing Faye's as his eyebrow raised in a surprise manner.

"John? Is that your name? It doesn't fit considering that you're a jerk–"

"What do you want?" Jackson spat, turning around on his heel to meet the eyes of Faye Smith. "And the name is Jackson, dumbass."

Faye bit her lower lip in anger, crossing her arms over her chest yet again as she stared at the Whittemore boy blankly.

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