seven. anchor ✔️

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seven. anchor

Faye finds herself sitting in English class. Disappointment filling her mind as she noticed that the two boys aren't in the same class as her right now but this seems better than facing the wrath of Mr. Harris.

As the teacher continued on about the lecture, Faye felt her phone vibrate, indicating that she got a text from someone. She looked up at the teacher, nodding lightly as she pretended to listen but while doing this, she was grabbing her phone from her pocket.

She couldn't exactly see her message due to the teacher's constant eye contact with her. She let out a sigh, eager to know what was in that message, probably thinking it might be important.

Finally, when the teacher turned around to write something on the board, she opened her phone and read the message.

Scott: Principal's office. Now.

Faye's lips pursed, looking up to check if the teacher is still writing on the board and luckily she is.

Faye: How? I can't just go out of the room.

With that, she closed her phone. She placed it back into her pocket then looked up just in time when the teacher looked back at the class with interest in his eyes due to the topic he's talking about.

But Faye couldn't find it in herself to listen to what he's talking about. Instead, she was thinking of a plan that can get her to the principal's office. It actually scares her because of her goody two shoes reputation but Scott needs her.

The class was suddenly interrupted by a rushed knock on the door. Without the teacher's response, the person stepped in anyways and it turns out to be Stiles Stilinski. "Faye Smith needs to be at the principal's office." Stiles said, rushing over his words, not wasting time at all. His hazel eyes scanned the classroom, hoping to find the tall blonde girl and he let out a sigh when he found her, sitting at the second row.

The teacher raised his eyebrow at him suspiciously, throwing him a questioning look. "And what is the reason?"

"Do I look like the principal? If you want to know then go talk to him." Stiles replied, annoyed at the teacher for asking instead of letting Faye go easily. The other reason, it's because he can't think of any possible answers to the teacher's question.

The teacher crossed his arms over his chest, not liking Stiles' attitude while Faye slumped against her seat in nervousness. "I do not believe a word or two that leaves your mouth, Mr. Stilinski. So, please leave the– Hey!" The teacher watched with wide eyes as Stiles barged in the class.

His steps became louder when he approached Faye. With determination written all over his face, he wasted no time in grabbing her and dragging her with him, ignoring the teacher's protest.

"Stiles–" She was cut off by Stiles who looked back at her, giving her a look that says to shut up and Faye had nothing to do but obey.

Faye tripped a few times but Stiles continued to drag her to the principal's office with a very impatient Scott, sitting on one of the seats located outside the office. His leg bouncing up and down as he listened to the conversation held inside the office.

"Okay, I've got her. Now what did Jackson say?" Stiles said but Scott glared at him, telling him to be quiet as he continued to listen.

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