twenty three. secrets, secrets and secrets ✔️

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twenty three. secrets, secrets and secrets

As they laid there to think of a great and successful plan, they began to wonder if they can really achieve their goal in getting out of here. It didn't matter to them at the moment, all they could think of was plans that could be great but would definitely fail. However, the chance to think of a greater plan was gone when Scott and Matt entered the room with unreadable looks etched on their faces. "The evidence is gone. Why don't you just go?" Scott wondered, facing Matt. He wanted all of this to be over so he could get Faye and the others to safety.

"You— you think the evidence mattered that much, huh? No, I want the book." Matt stated, looking around as if he was frustrated at something.

Scott looked puzzled as ever, eyebrows knitted together as his eyes were only on Matt. "What book?" He questioned.

Matt extended his hands, trying to point out something obvious as he looked around the room. "The bestiary, not just a few pages. I want the entire thing." He told him which made the three on the floor widen their eyes in confusion.

They were wondering why Matt would want the Bestiary even though he already knows about the supernatural world and some of its creatures. "I don't have it. It's Gerard's. What do you want it for, anyway?" Scott practically spoke for the rest of his friends.

Matt chewed on his bottom lip, looking around as he spoke up. "I need answers." His tone changing as those words left his lips.

"Answers to what?" Scott asked him, wanting him to be straightforward, to get to the point.

"To this." His voice turned cold as he brought his hands down to the hem of his shirt. Without hesitation, he lifted it up and faced sideways to show Scott and the rest of his friends the scale that was forming at his side, much similar to the Kanima's skin.

Faye's eyes widened at the sight of it, chills running down her spine as she took note of the similarity of it with the Kanima.

However, she wasn't the only one who was surprised at the sudden look of Matt's side. The rest of her friends were shocked as well but the Hale remained calm with his usual blank expression resting on his face.

Before any of them can react, Matt pulled his shirt down with a scowl on his face. His hand grabbed Scott's wrist before dragging him out of the room, leaving Jackson with the three people on the floor. Scott wanted to stay. He wanted to check if everyone's alright– if Faye Smith is alright. He wanted to assure her that they'll get out of here, that everything's gonna be fine but he didn't know that even if they get out of here, Faye will still face her problem. Being an Aderes werewolf is at the top of her list at the moment.

After the talk that Derek gave her, it still didn't make a mark in her mind that there is nothing to worry about. Sure, she's a lot stronger, faster and can heal quickly but she didn't want those. She wanted to be normal but that could cost leaving her friends. If she wasn't normal, she wouldn't get the chance to befriend her friends and bond with them.

"Hey, do you know what's happening to Matt?" Stiles asked Derek, seeing that the Hale didn't react like the others.

Derek let out a sigh, glancing at Jackson before focusing his eyes on the ceiling above them. "I know, the book's not gonna help him. You can't just break the rules, not like this." He explained.

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