eight. the group hang out ✔️

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eight. the group hang out

"Looks like those two are enjoying their time up there." Stiles said, his eyes settled on Scott and Allison who are currently climbing up the wall during their P.E. class.

Faye nodded, smiling at the sight of them as a sigh left her lips. "They're really adorable. I wish I could find a guy like Scott." She admitted, staring at the Beta.

Stiles' lips went up in a teasing smile. "I think I know someone who's right for you." He said, nudging her shoulder teasingly, followed by a hum that could possibly annoy the blonde girl.

Faye furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, facing Stiles this time. "Who?"

"Jackson Whittemore." Stiles spit out, squeezing his eyes shut as bubbles of laughter came out of his chapped lips. He placed his hand on his stomach, still laughing at the image of Faye Smith and Jackson Whittemore being together.

Faye rolled her eyes, her teeth sinking on her bottom lip as she landed a soft punch towards Stiles' upper arm. "It's not funny." She scowled, letting out a huff.

Before they could further argue at the mere thought of the two as a couple, they were startled as Scott managed to fall onto the mat with wide eyes.

Coach Finstock crouched down beside the boy, a hint of amusement in his eyes as he laughed along with the rest of the students behind him. "McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy." Faye rolled her eyes, expecting this coming out from Coach. "All right, next two. Danny, Faye. Let's go."

Faye gave a bright smile to Danny who gladly gave her one back. It's good thing that Danny likes this girl, the only person he finds annoying is Stiles Stilinski.

"You know, almost all of the boys are staring at you." Danny pointed out as they began climbing up the wall with ease.

"Me or at my ass?" Faye joked, regretting that she wore shorts today. She glanced down for a second and Danny was right in deed. Almost every guy was checking her out, making her feel insecure all of a sudden.

Danny laughed, throwing a glance at her way. "Definitely the latter."

Faye choked, shaking her head as she proceeded to climb up to the top. Once she did, she got down immediately as Danny followed after her. Both of them laughed at the same time, giving each other a high five before going back to their friends.

Soon, Coach called Stiles and Erica, the pair who's supposed to be next after Faye and Danny. Now they're climbing up at the wall. As Faye cheered silently for her idiotic friend, her smile faltered as soon as she noticed Erica's struggle.

Stiles managed to reach the top and got back down but Erica was still holding onto the rocks, freaking out.

"Erica, dizzy?" Coach asked the girl, looking up at her. "Is it vertigo?" He asked another one when she was unable to reply. Faye got closer, worry evident on her features as she noticed the girl's condition.

Lydia rolled her eyes, "Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear." A lot of pair of eyes stared at her in confusion, looking lost as well. "She's just freaking out." She elaborated, knowing that some doesn't have any clue on what she's talking about.

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