twelve. the kanima ✔️

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twelve. the kanima

Faye narrowed her eyes at the Beta once she dragged them to Derek.

"Stiles, Faye." Derek said, holding a basketball in his hands.

"Derek." Faye sneered, glaring at the Alpha with her fists on her sides.

Derek rolled his eyes, ignoring the behavior of the blonde. He was probably used to get that kind of behavior towards him. "What did you see at the mechanic's garage?" He asked, looking at the two.

Stiles tilted his head to the side, pretending to think. "Uh– several alarming EPA violations that I'm seriously considering reporting."

Derek and Erica chuckled but it was long gone when Derek squeezed the ball in his hands, the air leaving the ball immediately. "Holy God." Stiles muttered, holding Faye's wrist out of instinct.

"Let's try that again." Derek said, the ball leaving his hands and landing onto the floor. A scowl appearing on his face as he studied the two with narrowed eyes. "What did you see at the mechanic's garage."

"And why will we tell you?" Faye asked, her tone angry as she glared at the Alpha in front of them.

Derek laughed at the sudden approach of the blonde before letting his claws out. "I suggest you tell me now or–" He ticked his head to the side, his eyes turning the familiar shade of red.

"Okay, fine. The thing was pretty slick looking. Um– skin was dark, kind of patterned. Uh– I think I actually saw scales. Is that enough? Okay, because I've somebody I really need to talk to–" Faye looked at her friend in disbelief. She didn't exactly like Derek for what he did to her and she didn't really trust him yet here they are, telling them what they saw.

Derek gave a look to Scott's best friend, knowing that there's more. "All right, fine, eyes. Eyes are– um, yellowish and slitted. Um– has a lot of teeth. Oh– and it's got a tail, too."

Then that's when Faye noticed that the two werewolves were looking up and not focusing on what Stiles is saying anymore. Quickly, she turned around to see the creature at the railing. Her mouth hang agape as her body froze. "Are we good? What? Wait, have you seen it? You have this look on your faces like you know exactly what I am talking about." Stiles asked, noticing their reactions.

"Uh– Stiles." Faye said, her eyes still on set to the lizard creature. The boy turned around, hearing his name. However, he stood in shock as he saw the creature on the railing.

It jumped and fell on the ground, appearing in front of them. Erica charged to it, about to hit it but it pushed her. Erica's body slammed against the wall, hitting her head pretty hard which ended up on her being unconscious.

Faye was about to approach it but Derek pushed her and Stiles. "Run!"

It didn't end well when it managed to leave a scratch on Derek's neck while he was facing the two to get them to safety.

"Derek, your neck!" Before the Alpha can fall on the ground, Faye and Stiles managed to catch him, helping him up. "Hey, come on. Where is it? Can you see it?" Stiles said, breathing heavily as they walked in such a fast pace just to get out of there.

"I can smell it. Call Scott!" The Alpha demanded and Stiles stopped to pull out his phone but it seems like luck wasn't on their side as his phone ended up on the ground.  He went down to grab it but eventually, Derek began to fall on the water, pulling Faye with him. "Stiles, ah–"

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