five. supernatural world ✔️

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five. supernatural world

"What did you do to her?" Scott was surprised when Derek had called him to talk.

Derek Hale was not the kind of person to tell anyone what he has found recently. He likes to keeps things to himself, it's his business after all but after seeing a much different creature belonging in the supernatural world, he knew that he had to talk to the McCall boy.

"It was necessary. She could be something dangerous to us." Derek said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"That's not a good reason to put her into unconsciousness." Scott replied, looking down at Faye, who was currently laying on the wooden floor of the Hale's house. "She isn't dangerous either."

"And how would you know that?" Derek asked him.

Scott looked back up at Derek, "I– I–"

"What, Scott? You have a feeling that she wouldn't be dangerous?" Derek mocked him, "Just because you know her that doesn't mean that you can trust her."

♚ ♚ ♚

In the middle of the night, Faye found herself opening her eyes and rubbing her sore head. She let out a groan, revealing that she is still in fact, tired and hurt. "That was one hell of a nightmare." She thought out loud as she sat up, her palms pressing flatly against the bed to help her in sitting up.

"Hey, you're awake." Faye jumped on the bed and due to her reflexes, she quickly backed away but hit her back roughly against the headboard, causing her to wince.

Her blue eyes widened to look for the person as she let her guard up but then her shoulders relaxed as soon as she saw her father. "You scared me." She said, shaking her head.

Her father let out a chuckle, "I'm sorry. I was assigned to watch over you." He told his daughter.

"Me? Why?" She asked, lifting her head up to meet the eyes of her father once again. "What happened?"

"I'm the one who's supposed to be asking those questions, Faye. We were wondering where you were but then this boy showed up at our doorstep, carrying you." Faye had to raise her eyebrow at the mention of a boy bringing her home.

Her thoughts then filled with the events of what happened a while ago, the pain, out of control and wolves.

She didn't know why but she thought that she might have hit her head on something hard to think that those scenarios happened but her father alone confirmed everything. If she was dreaming, she would have been waken up by her mother at the hospital.

"Now, tell me what happened, Faye." Her father said but to Faye's ears, it sounded like he was eager to know which was surreal to her considering that he would bring her to the nearest asylum once she starts talking about the truth.

"Maybe another time, Dad." She answered roughly, wanting to forget everything that had happened ever since she stepped her foot on Beacon Hills.

She thought that it was crazy but she remembered her mother being keen on letting her own daughter meet Lydia Martin, and now, it seems like her father wanted to know every little detail.

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