twenty. saving each other ✔️

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twenty. saving each other

Faye pushed past people who are dancing or making out. Her eyes refusing to go back to their original color, still the same shade of pink. Her feet desperately wanted to run and reach Derek to help him. Even though they seem to hate each other, the girl couldn't help but care about him. He can be an asshole sometimes but at least he hasn't hurt her in any way.

Scott McCall didn't know what's happening to him. He wanted to set the plan in motion already but with the Aderes walking away from him to possibly get in danger got him on edge. His mindset of ignoring her because of her liking towards him was thrown out of the window as he ran to catch up with her. His eyes looking everywhere, trying to see her through the sea of people.

He let out a sigh, shaking his head before running out of the building in search for the blonde girl. What he didn't notice was that Victoria had been planning to hurt him and now was the perfect time to do it.

♚ ♚ ♚

The Aderes got lost, unable to get out of this building. Her eyes returned back to their normal color but she was still lost. She didn't know where Stiles is– hell, she even regrets leaving the McCall boy.

She regrets a lot of things and one of them is not being able to tell Scott McCall her feelings for him. She didn't care if he didn't feel the same way, at least he is still aware. She could still be friends but it is up to him and now she's overthinking about the possibilities that the Argent would smack her or even break their friendship because of her silly crush over her boyfriend.

'Stop overthinking for pete's sake. Think about the mission, the kanima, jackson–' She forced those thoughts to stay inside her mind but was thrown out as soon as her eyes widen while containing the bright color of purple.

She let out a gasp, already on her way to the room with the guide of her vision. She has a lot of regrets and she really does regret leaving Scott because now he's in a room with wolfsbane hanging in the air. With his death approaching soon, Faye made it quick to get to him.

She couldn't possibly let him die. He has saved and helped a lot of people over the past few months, and now someone needs to save him. Someone has to be there for him and that person is Faye.

Bodies were pushed with force as she desperately tried to be quicker. She could definitely see him struggling as he inhales the air laced with wolfsbane. She's got up on edge at the sight of him.

The half part of her eyes started filling with the shade of black but she wasn't aware of that. The other half still remained as the vibrant color of purple.

She got impatient considering that she's in a hurry to save the McCall boy. She roughly pushed at the people, successfully walking a bit further until she managed to reach the room. Quickly, she opened the door and gasped at the sight of Scott at the floor, coughing while in his wolf form.

She got inside but felt different once she inhaled the scent of the wolfsbane. She began panicking, thinking that it was affecting her also so she had to be quick. Her feet guided her to the place where the wolfsbane was placed. At this point she was coughing but tried to ignore it. Being close to it affected her badly. She was so close to it but it was making her weaker by the second, making her knees shake. A gasp left her lips when she felt herself fall down on her knees, wincing at the pain she received from it.

LIMERENCE ∙ SCOTT MCCALL [1]Where stories live. Discover now