three. an idiotic midnight jog ✔️

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three. an idiotic midnight jog

"Where are you going, young lady?" Faye stopped, already near the door then let out a sigh. She turned around, meeting the face of her father.

Faye decided to explore Beacon Hills and by doing that, she figured that she might as well take a midnight jog around the place. So, now, she's dressed in a rather big sweater and jogging pants.

"Oh– I was planning on going out for a jog–" Faye told her father, biting her lower lip afterwards.

Richard rose his eyebrow at his daughter, "This late?"

"Relax, tomorrow's a weekend. Also, this gives me the chance to see the place. I haven't had the time to explore it considering that the teachers gave us assignments already." Faye explained, knowing that after this, her father will most likely allow her to go out.

Just like she expected, her father nodded his head, telling her to come back as soon as possible then let his daughter get out of the house.

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Faye exhaled, breathing in yet again through her mouth as she continued to jog around the neighborhood.

Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, slowly rolling down her face but she didn't mind as her feet continued to work.

She was getting tired but it didn't stop her. It actually made her want to do it more than rest. The burning ache of her legs was a sign of keep moving than stop, rest. It was unusual to hear that from someone, knowing that most people tend to stop the minute they get tired but Faye isn't most people. She doesn't belong in that category.

Then, before she can take a turn, she noticed the Beacon Hills Preserve.

She noticed the preserve when they arrived town in the morning. She wanted to check it out once she stepped out of the car but she needed to unpack her belongings, which was still not done.

Now that she's near the Beacon Hills Preserve, she's actually considering in checking it out even if it's really late.

She's aware that's an idiotic move. If she had someone with her at the moment, they would call her an idiot or stupid multiple times but she's all alone right now. No one is stopping her.

So, without a second thought, she jogged her way over the Beacon Hills Preserve.

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"Well, this looks creepy." She said to herself as soon as she got in the Beacon Hills Preserve.

She scanned the whole area but failed to see what it actually looks like because it was already dark.

She squinted her eyes, trying to see where she was going. She didn't realize that she was getting deeper into the preserve without any clue how to get back.

She didn't want to go back yet, not when she didn't see anything out of the ordinary here. She wanted to see something, something that can satisfy her curiosity about this place.

Then, she paused for a moment when she heard something behind her.

She turned around as quickly as possible, eyes wide with her heart hammering against her chest.

She let out a sigh once she noticed that no one was there. She thought that maybe she was imagining it due to her fear of the dark but she thought wrong when she felt a burning pain on the back of her neck.

She let out a gasp, about to check the scratch at the back of her neck but she felt her body reject her movements.

She was confused, she didn't know what's happening to her body– to herself.

Before she can think any further, her body hit the ground. She was shocked, her eyes wide in surprise and fear.

"H–Help." She said in a loud voice, her face still hidden beneath the leaves on the ground, unable to move herself. "Please."

She felt helpless– weak even. It was scaring her and the thought of someone still with her inside the preserve scares her even more.

The kanima observed her, circling her like she was a part of an experiment.

It gave her shivers down her spine at the sound of someone near. She doesn't know what to do even in a state like this.

With a loud yell from the kanima, its tail curled and tightened around the waist of Faye.

She let out a loud scream as the kanima flipped her over. Her eyes meeting its yellow ones.

It scared her– to see the snake like creature terrified her. It also confused her. It confused her because it's not something you see everyday– it was related to the supernatural.

She let out another loud scream as the kanima approached her. She tried to move but failed due to the kanima venom.

She didn't know what to do. She wished that she stayed home with her father while they wait for her mother who's working a late shift in the hospital. Or perhaps, she wished that she didn't go to the Beacon Hills Preserve. She regretted coming here.

Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. She heard her own voice inside her head, scolding her for letting her curiosity take control of her actions. And this is where it got her.

The kanima let out another one of its scream, about to launch itself to the blonde girl who can't stop screaming for help.

Faye squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to witness her own death.

Luckily, Richard, her father, came looking for her when he realized that Faye hasn't arrived back yet. He got a bad feeling about it and searched the whole neighborhood for her. When there was no sign of her, he managed to come near the Beacon Hills Preserve– and that's when he heard his daughter's screams.

At the time her father came, the kanima was gone but Faye was still screaming with her eyes shut. She thought that it was still there, especially when she heard the leaves crunching beneath its feet but she didn't know that it was her father's now.

"Faye– Faye– It's me!" Richard said, shaking his daughter's shoulders while kneeling against the ground. He pushed the strands of blonde hair off of Faye's face and slapped her cheek lightly.

Faye opened her eyes as soon as she heard her father's voice. She was relieved to see her father here but also scared that her father might also get hurt by that snake–like creature. "Dad– I can't move." She let out, whimpering.

She can't still move her body and it's making her more anxious. "I can't move." She keeps on repeating.

Richard shushed her, assuring her that everything's gonna be alright while he held his daughter in his arms.

But he knew– he knew that this is just the beginning.

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third chapter up! hope that y'all liked this one.


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