twenty one. lydia martin's party ✔️

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twenty one. Lydia Martin's party

"I swear, I'm fine." Faye told her mom as she sat on the sofa in their living room, crossing her leg over the other as she placed her elbows on her knee, looking up at her parents. "Deaton took care of me and Scott."

"Are you still going to Lydia's party?" Faye's mom asked, worried that her daughter would experience what happened last night, again. Death almost took her away from everyone and it scared the hell out of her parents and her friends.

Faye shrugged, letting out a sigh. "I don't have a choice. I have to go to help them."

"But it's just Lydia's–"

"I have a bad feeling about it. Trust me."

♚ ♚ ♚

"You know, I can help you in lifting this and save you from all the–" Faye began as she watched Stiles struggle holding up the present he got for Lydia Martin.

Stiles shook his head spastically, "Hush, Faye. Lydia needs to see that I got this for her."

"But it doesn't make it look like I bought her the gift when I'm just going to help you–" She was cut off when Stiles rang the doorbell, signalling that Lydia was about to come and see the gift that he bought.

Finally, when Lydia opened the front door, her eyes widened at the sight in front of her but blinked rapidly, covering up her shock and raised her eyebrow instead.

"Happy Birthday! Yeah, coming in." Stiles said enthusiastically, pushing the present and expecting it to pass through the doorway but sadly it didn't. It was too big. "Oh, whoa. Can't. Okay. You know, you don't– can you just grab that side, maybe?" He asked the strawberry blonde girl but all Lydia did was roll her eyes at the teenage boy.

"Don't forget to try the punch." Lydia said with her sickly sweet smile before leaving the two.

Stiles let out a defeated sigh, looking at Faye for help but the blonde girl just gave him a blank look. "Now, you want my help? No way, you can go figure this out on your own." She said, grabbing the present from Stiles' hands, placing it on the ground for her to go inside and leave the Stilinski boy outside.

She passed through many doors until finally, she reached the backyard. Her eyebrow rose up when she noticed that nobody is there for Lydia's party. "Well, this is odd." She mumbled, slightly confused considering that Lydia Martin is popular and known to have one of the greatest parties around this town.

She looked around and noticed Scott about to enter the backyard with a very exhausted Stiles beside him. Her body stiffened until she forced herself to turn around and head to the opposite direction, avoiding Scott at all costs. Her eyes wide, taking deep breaths as her back faced her two friends.

After saving the McCall boy, he immediately thanked her after she woke up in Deaton's clinic. It was very awkward for her considering that she still hasn't talked about her feelings towards him and they haven't talked in days. She told him not to mention it, that it was her job to save and protect everyone and left just like that.

It was another coward thing to do but she doesn't know what else to say. She can't just start talking about her feelings for him and expect him to be casual about it.

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